Community Power brings low-income communities together with Cumberland Council to co-create new ways to work together.

Community Power brings low-income communities together with Cumberland Council to co-create new ways to work together.
The Imagine! Belfast Festival of Ideas and Politics invites you to imagine new ideas on politics and culture and discuss contemporary political and societal issues.
Big Bocs Bwyd empowers future generations to care about the food they eat, understand how it is produced, and learn about how they can live healthy lives.
Project HELIX supports food and drink businesses of all sizes in Wales, ensuring they have access to world-leading thinking and support.
The Welsh Government’s basic income pilot tests how a limited period of basic income payments helps support care leavers in Wales to transition from care into adulthood.
Phosphoros Theatre builds bravery, creativity, and belonging for young refugees and asylum seekers, co-delivered by practitioners who have experienced forced migration.
Fractional co-ownership of a large-scale wind turbine means hundreds of households can generate their own renewable and affordable energy, demonstrating that cooperative consumer ownership and generation works.
The 4 Day Week campaign advocates for a shorter working week with no loss of pay, helping workers achieve better working conditions and overall work-life balance.
A progressive investment fund supports community-led businesses and socially trading organisations to create wealth and collective social impact in places not reached by the wider economy.
The Well-Being of Future Generations Act provides a legal link between the UNs’ Sustainable Development Goals and Wales’s future pathway by creating a set of seven country-level Well-Being Goals.
A cross-border environmental project improves the condition of special areas of conservation, resulting in cleaner water, reduced flood risk and increased biodiversity and carbon capture.
This project focuses on practical, ecological, community-based housing solutions by creating a range of housing types, including self-build and self-finish homes, to meet local housing needs.
A representative group of citizens discuss three challenging topics and make recommendations which will inform the city’s plans for the future.
A flexible and responsive waste-collection service is designed to help businesses take control of their waste.
The programme is using a range of cultural activities – including dance, drama, and music –as an innovative way of tackling deprivation and building the self-confidence of children in Scotland.
A budget simulator enables citizens to better understand budgetary constraints in Liverpool after the city shifts from industrialisation to digitalisation.
The integrative approach creates better opportunities for disadvantaged young black men, harnessing successful potential, building on existing success, increasing visibility, and tackling stereotypes in the media.
Participatory procurement for local bus lines generates higher satisfaction rates and lower costs, leading to community councils reviewing timetables and contracts twice per year.
A collaboration engages locals in community business, joint cooking, and creative and social activities in one of London’s poorest boroughs, focusing on the community’s ideas and energies.
This initiative results from imaginative political leadership linked to key officer support, enhancing the already extensive network of organisations and individuals who work together to promote and grow social enterprise through coordinated investments.