
Best Practice in Politics

We curate exemplary political work that successfully tackles today’s most pressing issues. This platform is a hub of tried and tested best practices in politics.

The Digital Tool – QIOZ

An online language learning tool improves language skills in Île-de-France for citizens, potential future employees of the hospitality sector, and for professionals seeking to broaden their international communication.

The Shop Without Money

The Shop Without Money is a place where people can exchange objects and skills, but not money, thus multiplying the lifecycle of everyday objects and promoting the value of sharing in society.

Villeurbanne At Heart

Structural changes and new methods of organising sponsorship and funding are implemented in within a system that connects local businesses with non-profit organisations and sports clubs.

The Winners
of the Innovation in Politics Awards 2024

SeaProtectorOne, Aarhus

The SeaProtectorOne robot is installed at the river mouth in Aarhus, where the river flows into the harbour, removing rubbish before it enters the sea.