
Best Practice in Politics

We curate exemplary political work that successfully tackles today’s most pressing issues. This platform is a hub of tried and tested best practices in politics.

Culture to the Courtyards

Kaunas brings culture to citizens throughout the pandemic thanks to decentralised artistic performances in backyards in the city.

Culture Token

Digital tokens use the carrot approach to reward environmentally-friendly behaviour with free access to arts and culture.

Deliberative Committees

A new permanent procedure engages randomly selected citizens in policy-making alongside parliamentarians, to democratise reforms and increase public support for decisions.

Digitalisation of Municipal Schools in Plovdiv

Cloud technologies make the digitalisation of every aspect of the education process possible, allowing students to learn online anywhere and at anytime, preparing students for a future digital world and improving the effectiveness and efficiency of the education process as a whole.

Energy Income

The project supports socially vulnerable citizens achieving energy independence, whilst creating a beneficial circle where non-consumed energy is used to finance new photovoltaic systems for further households.

Free Public Transport in Luxembourg

Revolutionary yet simple – free public transport enhances the environmental sustainability, social welfare, and quality of life of the residents of this small country.

From Shack to House

A housing project helps integrate marginalised Roma communities in a village, in a joint effort by families, the bank, and an NGO.

Gardens of Cracovians

Pockets of greenery transform forgotten patches of urban wasteland into community spaces for regeneration, social cohesion, nature, and culture.

Gdańsk Centre for Equal Treatment

“Safe places” in several locations in the city provide on-site support for people experiencing discrimination and foster awareness-raising among the citizens of Gdansk.

The Winners
of the Innovation in Politics Awards 2024

Citizens of Ankara: Re-Assemble!

This innovative Citizens’ Assembly fosters trust and engagement among citizens and local stakeholders, building a more resilient and cohesive social and political landscape across the City of Ankara.

Condominium E-Voting – Successful E-Democracy

Condominium E-Voting allows residents to communicate their housing issues in a quick, easy, and safe manner, enhancing their engagement in the decision-making process and improving the efficiency of services.