We Drive Local Action
The members of the ACT NOW Mayors’ Network drive local action and are not afraid to break new ground. They have successfully implemented innovative projects in their municipalities. We highlight and present these projects to inspire other local leaders to take bold action.
The Innovation in Politics Institute provides access to a treasure of around 400 best practices, covering a broad range of local solutions. A new process of inter-municipal learning supports members to translate best practices into tangible and sustainable local action. Therefore, we identify the best practices which are most relevant to specific members based on their individual needs. As a tool for scaling and implementing best practices to individual local contexts, we develop best practice prototypes. Committed municipalities take part in a holistic process which allows them to successfully plan, implement and monitor local action. To support this process, municipalities can also apply to host an ACT NOW Local Change Lab in their municipality.
Learn more about projects implemented by members of the ACT NOW Mayors' Network:

Learning Each Other’s Language
To overcome the language barriers in Kosovo, the Municipality of Kamenica holds courses for the Serbian and Albanian citizens who are interested in learning each other’s languages.

Summer Urban Camp
The Summer Urban Camp on the Greek island of Chios lets children take part in diverse activities over the three months of their summer holiday, allowing their parents to continue to work.

Spilamberto and Us: Active Citizens for the Common Good
A Municipality offers several cooperations with citizens, such as gardening and maintaining public spaces, to create a more connected way of living in Spilamberto.

Werkstatt Junges Wien – Workshop Young Vienna
The City of Vienna asked over 22.000 children and young people about their views on the city and their future, and included them in its youth strategy.

Multi-Purpose Community Centre
A multi-purpose community centre is established, in order to address some of the challenges posed by a large number of refugees moving into the municipality, open to locals and refugees.

Social Cohesion Summer Camp
A summer camp brings a bit of normality to sixty displaced Syrian children in Lebanon, offering activities and lectures.

Protecting Myself, Protecting Others
This campaign provides information about reproductive health in secondary schools, as well as free gynaecological check-ups for middle-aged women, generally motivating self-care in the region.

Pop Up on Vivid Street
Child and youth participation is an all year activity in Postojna, involving different governmental, NGO, and private stakeholders that organise workshops and festivals.

Khair al-Koura – Local Sustainable Development
By forming partnerships between the private sector and the municipalities, job opportunities are created in Jordan for a region with a high influx of refugees.

Cuckoo’s Nest
An apartment in a neighbourhood gets converted into a centre which serves the needs of many migratory residents, by offering educational help, care services, language courses, and various other services.

Municipal Flats for Senior Citizens in the Centre of Ostrów Wielkopolski
Accessible municipal housing in the city centre meets the needs of senior citizens, allowing them to vacate their former family residences, which have become oversized and impractical for them.

Youth Empowerment: the voice of young people represented and executed in local government
Weekly, organised meetings in Pazardzhik, Bulgaria, give young people a voice, and let them discuss and bring ideas to the local Municipality.

Healthy Eating in Nurseries
An orchard and greenhouse provides fresh, healthy, and environmentally friendly fruit and vegetables for children.

The Citizens’ Constitution of Molières: Participative Democracy in Action!
The City of Molières manages its municipal activities in a participatory manner structurally involving all residents in local decision-making.

No Data Waste in Košeca
A modern data collection system encourages waste separation and incentivises recycling by reducing waste-collection fees.

Resident’s Account – Gdynia e-services Centre
An interactive tool combines multiple municipal services, to allow people to settle administrative affairs from the convenience of their homes.
Find more best practice in politics in our showroom: https://innovationinpolitics.eu/showroom