Taming Adulthood
Educational workshops prepare adults with intellectual disabilities for parenthood.

Silver Fourchette – National Awareness Programme for the Alimentation of Seniors
This initiative motivates seniors to reconsider their relationship with food, educates them about nutritional values, promotes cooking, and brings people together for many events, with the aim of fighting malnutrition and its effects on senior citizens.

Feminist City Planning – Praxagora
Feminist architecture, focusing on female requirements in urban space in a Stockholm neighbourhood, makes women feel safer and more at ease.

Two Wheels Instead of Four
A series of campaigns encourages cycling mobility while collecting data for improved bike infrastructure in Slovakia.

Flat-Sharing for Solidarity Projects
Committing to neighbourhood solidarity activities allows students to rent affordable, shared apartments in Lyon.

No Wrong Door
Structural changes within council care break the negative cycle for young people, with the introduction of comprehensive, multidisciplinary teams.

Smart City Bad Hersfeld
Technological innovations provide communication, environmental, and sustainable transport solutions which improve the quality of life for citizens.

Civic Crowdfunding
This crowdfunding initiative focuses on making Milan a more inclusive and sustainable city by co-funding citizen-organised projects with municipal funds.

Modular Housing Sites for Homeless Families in Ealing
Modified shipping containers provide long-term and high-quality housing for homeless families.

Vacant Homes
An innovative crowd-sourcing approach is implemented in response to Ireland’s housing crisis, allowing local residents to register vacant homes in their area and help create new homes from the existing housing stock.