Quality of Life



We honour political work that opens up easy access to modern health services and provides us with a safe and secure living environment – because we all want to live healthy and safe lives.

Two Wheels Instead of Four

A series of campaigns encourages cycling mobility while collecting data for improved bike infrastructure in Slovakia.

Free Public Transportation

A Municipality in Bulgaria offers free public transport by purchasing its own buses instead of hiring a company to provide the service.

Taming Adulthood

Educational workshops prepare adults with intellectual disabilities for parenthood.

Sugar Smart Bristol

Sugar Smart Bristol helps citizens become aware of their own sugar consumption, hidden sugars in foods, and how to make healthier choices.

Age-Friendly Ireland

Ireland has become a world leader in addressing elderly people’s issues, by setting up participative councils, making businesses aware, and preparing for population ageing.

The Wild Child’s Sanctuary

An outdoor adventure playground gives children the opportunity to explore nature with their peers under the supervision of specially trained play workers.

Community Labs

Laboratories in Italy partner with local community organisations in marginalised communities to create projects and initiatives in the neighbourhood that focus on inclusion and social cohesion.