Quality of Life



We honour political work that opens up easy access to modern health services and provides us with a safe and secure living environment – because we all want to live healthy and safe lives.

Library of Sports

Young people can borrow usually expensive outdoor sports equipment for up to two weeks at a time.

Hello, How Are You?

Volunteers “adopt a grandparent” to help senior citizens battle isolation loneliness, support them in daily tasks, and remind them to take their medicine during lock-down.

Age-Friendly Ireland

Ireland has become a world leader in addressing elderly people’s issues, by setting up participative councils, making businesses aware, and preparing for population ageing.

Malopolska Tele-Angel

A free security wristband connects elderly and disabled residents with a 24-hour emergency response team.

Vacant Homes

An innovative crowd-sourcing approach is implemented in response to Ireland’s housing crisis, allowing local residents to register vacant homes in their area and help create new homes from the existing housing stock.

Free Public Transport in Luxembourg

Revolutionary yet simple – free public transport enhances the environmental sustainability, social welfare, and quality of life of the residents of this small country.

Two Wheels Instead of Four

A series of campaigns encourages cycling mobility while collecting data for improved bike infrastructure in Slovakia.