Quality of Life



We honour political work that opens up easy access to modern health services and provides us with a safe and secure living environment – because we all want to live healthy and safe lives.

Vacant Homes

An innovative crowd-sourcing approach is implemented in response to Ireland’s housing crisis, allowing local residents to register vacant homes in their area and help create new homes from the existing housing stock.

Project Arraigo

A social enterprise facilitates the transition from urban to rural living by working with rural communities to help them integrate new arrivals.

Free Public Transportation

A Municipality in Bulgaria offers free public transport by purchasing its own buses instead of hiring a company to provide the service.

Malopolska Tele-Angel

A free security wristband connects elderly and disabled residents with a 24-hour emergency response team.

Gardens of Cracovians

Pockets of greenery transform forgotten patches of urban wasteland into community spaces for regeneration, social cohesion, nature, and culture.

Jo Cox Commission on Loneliness

The Commission wants to get conversations started, to fight the widespread problem of loneliness, amongst the community and between private and public organisations.

Natural Play Space Programme

Children co-create their own ecological and easily accessable play-spaces within urban areas, to promote healthy lifestyles, inclusive development, and community-building.