City lists coronavirus community response
A community-sourced website lists services for people needing help and offering help.
Making a cycling festival corona safe
The Lake Erie Cyclefest is spread out over two months allowing participants to complete their rides without causing large crowds, where the virus could spread.
DIY face mask tutorial
A YouTube tutorial shows how to cut and sew a face mask step by step, no sewing machine needed.
Offering free online educational materials to teachers
A publishing house makes its digital materials available to support teachers in remote teaching. Continuing education when children have to stay home requires digital materials that fit the curriculum. During the current Covid-19 outbreak many
Virtual assistants answer citizens’ pressing questions related to Covid-19
The government of Panama developed two virtual assistants named Rosa and Paco. Both help citizens by answering questions about health and security matters during the coronavirus crisis.
An Innovation Map helps people to adapt to life during the COVID-19
A worldwide Innovation Map was launched to provide citizens with an overview of innovations helping to adapt to life during the coronavirus pandemic.
VIrtually seeing a doctor
Doctors open virtual practices to care for their patients online. At “KinderarztNow”, you dial in via laptop, smartphone or phone to have your personal session with a doctor.
Online pub quizzes
Pub quiz fans can continue their hobby online from the comfort of their home.
Technology and social media empower parliament committees to hold meetings
Committee hearings that would normally be open to the public are now livestreamed. Also, witnesses and submitters can participate by video conference or teleconference.
U:DO helps with applying for short-time work
An initiative, developed during the German hackathon “WirvsVirus”, helps with applying for short-time work.
Bags as sign of solidarity
People hang cloth bags with the German word for “good neighbours” out of their windows to show they are willing to help.
Daily sports lessons for elementary school children
In partnership with the Austrian Ministry of Education, SPORTUNION launched an online sports programme via Zoom and Facebook.
Enjoying live theatre via Zoom
An Oxford theatre company staged a play on Zoom and invited their audience to participate.
Online political education for children
The German Federal Centre for Political Education recorded several hours of classes and educational material to familiarize youths with political topics.
Network for effective philantropic responses to the coronacrisis
Several philanthropic networks in Europe have joined up to share knowledge and provide guidance on effective philanthropic responses to Covid-19.