


We honour political work that applies and improves information and communication technologies to strengthen the democratic processes and government services.

Makeitmodena – Digital Gym

“Cyber-workouts” help children and adults gain digital literacy, realise digital projects, and spread open-source culture.

Staatslabor (State lab)

A non-profit social laboratory provides experts, resources, and a platform to bring innovation and resilience to the public sector.

Mobility Flat Rate in the City Zone

The City of Augsburg encourages the use of car-sharing, cycling, and public transport via a flat rate that provides a low-cost package for mobility at a fixed monthly price, on top of free public transport in the city zone.

MoBio – Mobile Biography for New Immigrants

A structured storage platform for biographical data facilitates the integration process for newly arrived migrants, allowing them to more easily navigate and manage the support services available to them.


An e-governance App is launched which facilitates citizen participation and helps the administration communicate with the city’s residents.

Basic AI Education

Finland seeks to educate 1% of European citizens in the basics of Artificial Intelligence to bring to the EU an understanding and capability to match China and the USA in these applications.


VisualGob is a new digital system which enables the visualisation of the Government Plan, allowing citizens to monitor their government’s progress in real time.