Childcare for supermarket employees
The city of Nice provides daycare in small groups for children of supermarket employees.
Supporting young people in launching projects to support their region
To motivate young people to develop ideas that support their neighbourhood, city or region, “wweeddoo” called for the best ideas and offers them financial support.
Policy lessons from the crisis
The Bennett Institute for Public Policy brought together a diverse group of people to understand why we consistently don’t learn lessons from situations of crisis.
Digital workshops help children to stay in touch with each other
A project started by the Emilia Romagna region helps children to maintain relationships with each other and strengthens their imagination skills.
Creative ways for children to keep their distance
Primary schools in China help their pupils to keep a safe distance with creative, self-made distance aids.
DIY face mask tutorial
A YouTube tutorial shows how to cut and sew a face mask step by step, no sewing machine needed.
Video updates on Covid-19 measures for civil servants
To inform civil servants about the city’s measures and projects during the coronavirus pandemic, the city government created a YouTube channel for its employees.
Teachers share their best homeschooling practices with parents
To support parents and carers in homeschooling their children, teachers provide advice in a Whatsapp group.
A platform for businesses to collaborate against Covid-19
A platform connects businesses providing solutions for Covid-19 with those who need help.
A fund to support the creation of new artistic work for the public benefit
Ireland’s Arts Council is introducing a special fund enables Irish-based artists to make the art they created during Covid-19 related lockdown accessible to the public.
Self-sufficiency in times of lockdown
A small municipality in Lebanon is increasing its self-sufficiency by handing out seedlings to families with gardens or land.
Crowdsourcing data to visualize maps to identify current and potential hotspots
To make it possible for public health officials to evaluate anonymized real-time data on the spread of Covid-19, a platform asks citizens to provide live updates on their health conditions.
Free online courses on e-commerce
Free online courses on e-commerce help small businesses establish online services while their shops are closed.
Policy responses to Covid-19
Key economic responses taken by governments to limit the impact of the coronacrisis are tracked for the benefit of all.
U:DO helps with applying for short-time work
An initiative, developed during the German hackathon “WirvsVirus”, helps with applying for short-time work.