Politicians, policy makers and public servants have never faced a situation like this. They immediately need policies that really work. Best practices can serve as an inspiration, a starting point and a proof of concept.

Basic income for citizens
In April 2020 the Brazilian Congress decided to implement a basic income which is more than half of the Brazilian minimum monthly wage for the time of the coronavirus crisis.

Multilingual education material
A Norwegian platform offers educational material in Norwegian as well as in the country’s main immigrant languages.
Helping governments to tackle challenges in technology, communications, and operations
A volunteer-run, non-partisan initiative helps governments to tackle challenges during the Covid-19 crisis.

Public volunteer programme to support a country’s health structures
To meet the growing demands within a country’s health system, a volunteer programme for doctors, nurses, paramedics, psychologists, and students and retirees with a health or nursing background was set up.

Instagram channel promotes supporting local businesses
An Instagram channel presents small businesses and ways to support them.

Government offers free webinars for a “safe home office”
The government of the Austrian province Lower Austria offers free and publicly accessible webinars on the topic of “Secure Home Office”. They inform citizens on how to protect themselves and their data.
A platform for businesses to collaborate against Covid-19
A platform connects businesses providing solutions for Covid-19 with those who need help.

Map of locations for free meals
The city of Philadelphia has created a map for places offering free food.

A government’s call to action to students and retired care workers
In Glasgow, the City Council and the city’s Health and Social Care Partnership called for people to help out in home care services and residential homes.

Giving an online stage to members of the community
On the Facebook page of a municipality in Italy, people can contribute their skills and knowledge to the community.
Providing information for voluntary services
To allow for smooth and un-bureacratic administrative support for voluntary services, the regional government of Rhineland-Palatine has set up an information initiative.
Automatically opening and closing doors in public transport
To reduce the risk of infection, passengers no longer have to touch the door openers of metros, trams, and buses.