How to protect businesses and employees during the crisis. How to optimise working from home. Ideas, services and technology that make our tasks easier in these extreme circumstances.
Re-skilling flight attendants
An intensive training course for Scandinavian Arlines cabin crew increases their chances on the job market and aims to support the health system at the same time.
Giving public space to bars and cafes
To support local businesses, the city of Vilnius allocates public space to bars and cafés so they can operate despite physical distancing rules.
Instagram channel promotes supporting local businesses
An Instagram channel presents small businesses and ways to support them.
Government loans for small businesses
To support businesses with fewer than 500 employees, the city of New York offers a loan-based Paycheck Protection Program (PPP).
Platform to encourage buying local
An online platform encourages people to buy locally and help small businesses through the crisis.
Furniture company helps to meet medical equipment shortage
IKEA joins the list of companies that branch out of their business to support governments in their fight against the spread of the coronavirus.
Transforming ship containers to intensive care units
An international taskforce designed an intensive care unit inside a 20-foot shipping container that can be quickly deployed in cities around the world.
Educational materials for children
An Italian initiative publishes educational materials for parents and teachers to explain children what coronavirus is and how it affects our lives.
Free online courses on e-commerce
Free online courses on e-commerce help small businesses establish online services while their shops are closed.
Managing care services online
By using the technologies of the future and diagnosing the real needs of users, Good Support gives a new look at care and social services.
A data sharing platform for researchers
To enable the efficient collection and sharing of available research data in the fight against the coronavirus outbreak, the European Commission starts a new platform.
Helping companies to survive
An online platform supports businesses and entrepreneurs in operating in an uncertain environment.