The Education and School Institution in Bologna keeps in touch with children and parents in order to maintain the relationship with them.
Archives: Virus Articles
TV education programme with celebrity support
The BBC’s new home education programme is supported by celebrities to make it more engaging for the pupils.
An interface to connect medical institutions, students and professionals
A platform in Germany connects medical institutions, students and professionals who seek and offer help. match4everyone was created at the German government’s hackathon #wirvsvirus.
Self-Employed people help self-employed people
Self-employed people offer free courses for other self-employed people.
10 Things Politicians Should Be Thinking of Right Now
Examples from bright spots in political leadership on the coronavirus.
Basic income for citizens
In April 2020 the Brazilian Congress decided to implement a basic income which is more than half of the Brazilian minimum monthly wage for the time of the coronavirus crisis.
A government platform to inform about EdTech
As many EdTech projects are still unknown to teachers, parents and children, the Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry provides an overview of potential offers.
Government funding competition for businesses
By fast-tracking innovation, the UK government aims to become better placed to maintain employment levels and make the UK more resilient to similar disruptions.
Self-sufficiency in times of lockdown
A small municipality in Lebanon is increasing its self-sufficiency by handing out seedlings to families with gardens or land.
A data sharing platform for researchers
To enable the efficient collection and sharing of available research data in the fight against the coronavirus outbreak, the European Commission starts a new platform.
A platform that tells citizens how they can support their government
The government of Ontario started an initiative to empower citizens to help fight coronavirus. Citizens can offer emergency products and innovative solutions or volunteer to support the government’s response to Covid-19.
Launching a global learning platform for displaced and refugee children
A new global learning platform to help address COVID-19 education crisis is launched by UNICEF to keep children learning.
Organ concerts for retirement homes
Musicians in two German cities gave concerts just outside of retirement homes.
Providing information for voluntary services
To allow for smooth and un-bureacratic administrative support for voluntary services, the regional government of Rhineland-Palatine has set up an information initiative.
Guided online exhibition tour
A virtual version of a photography exhibition combines a guided tour with artist interviews and workshops for children.
Running event made digital
Turning the AG Antwerp 10 Miles into a virtual event allows runners to compete while keeting a safe distance from each other.
Virtual assistant providing reliable information
In Latvia, an easily integrable chatbot offers reliable information on Covid-19.
Guidance manual for protecting educational facilities
The WHO published a guidance manual with official information on Covid-19 prevention in educational facilities.
Adapting a public funding call to Covid-19
Adapting existing funding calls to Covid-19 crisis response measures allows for rapid product development to combat the crisis.
Crisis response manual
An easy-to-read online manual on crisis communication, public health and technological advancements for governments at all levels.