Irish libraries evolve into accessible community hubs that meet the needs of their communities.

Irish libraries evolve into accessible community hubs that meet the needs of their communities.
The creativity of Irish citizens is supported and promoted through a programme dedicated to its integration into public policy.
Through a new online platform, Longford residents can take a more active role in shaping the future of their county.
A law is passed to divest public funds from companies who explore, extract, or process fossil fuels.
Athboy town ensures accessibility and inclusivity for all citizens regardless of age, physical, cognitive, or sensory impairment.
An amendment to Irish law is designed to hold Irish hospitals accountable for maternal deaths.
Monaghan County Council has developed an easy-to-read guide to the voting process, with a focus on the needs of disabled voters.
A trades-based training approach in a facility for young adults fills key-skill gaps in the local labour market.
Participative public consultations and citizen engagement help a young and diverse town deliver nearly a hundred action items, to rejuvenate the town centre, improve public areas, and enhance residents’ lives.
Children co-create their own ecological and easily accessable play-spaces within urban areas, to promote healthy lifestyles, inclusive development, and community-building.
Age Friendly Housing Specialists advise local government on how to improve housing options for older residents.
Visually impaired musicians participate in research which helps them improve memorisation techniques, and thus preparing the musicians to perform a newly composed Irish symphony with an orchestra.