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Search Category: Ecology
Vienna Repair Voucher
A voucher scheme subsidises the costs of repairs, encouraging consumers to fix old items instead of throwing them away and buying new ones.
The CANN Project – Collaborative Action for the Natura Network
A cross-border environmental project improves the condition of special areas of conservation, resulting in cleaner water, reduced flood risk and increased biodiversity and carbon capture.
Rijnvliet Edible Neighbourhood
Participatory co-design creates a residential neighbourhood around accessible urban agriculture, enhancing the quality of life for inhabitants and the rich biodiversity for all living things.
RESILIO – Resilience Network of Smart, Innovative Climate-Adaptive Rooftops
Smart blue-green roof technology mitigates the effects of extreme weather events while increasing biodiversity and protecting the most vulnerable in society from environmental pressures.
HEAT – Hamburg Electric Autonomous Transportation
A comprehensive research and development project assesses the feasibility, safety and acceptance of the first fully automated public minibus service in Hamburg.
Klimakommune Saerbeck: a city on its way to a sustainable future
A community thinks globally and acts locally to create sustainable changes and social transformation for a climate-friendly future.
Followgreen: reward platform for recycling
Followgreen is a new service for smart cities in the European market, introducing innovative elements both in the field of recycling and in the field of citizen awareness.
Citizens’ Convention on Climate
The Citizens’ Convention on Climate, an unprecedented democratic experiment in France, aims to give citizens a voice to accelerate the fight against climate change.
Binit Better: streamlining waste services
A flexible and responsive waste-collection service is designed to help businesses take control of their waste.
“Casettiamo, insieme possiamo!” – Changing the city together
A beautiful municipality with a decaying economy and population sees a revival of community life by involving citizens in all aspects of re-designing the city.
The FreiburgCup
A system in Freiburg aims to eliminate single-use coffee cups through the introduction of a reusable cup, accepted town-wide.
Revegetating License – Permis de Végétaliser
The City of Paris wants to become greener and hands out licences to those who apply, allowing them to garden in public spaces.
Gdynia Rain Garden
Green urban spaces are designed to teach residents about rainwater retention through the creation of special gardens in residential and commercial properties.
The Bank of Recycling
A recycling system in Latronico grants citizens reimbursements to spend in local shops.
Arcueil, Edible City
Growing edible plants in public parks and green spaces makes this town’s community, in front of the Gates of Paris, more enjoyable, sustainable, and connected.
Virtual Power Plant as a Local Joint Venture
As part of the energy transition towards fossil fuel free production, municipalities join up to create a local power supply company that allows the gradual move to generating and distributing renewable energy in the region.
Free Public Transportation
A Municipality in Bulgaria offers free public transport by purchasing its own buses instead of hiring a company to provide the service.
Cool Streets
A practice for heat adaptation in three of Vienna’s hottest areas converted urban streets to Cool Streets, offering water mist sprayers, seating, and neighbourhood-fostering features for four weeks.
100% Fossil Free Public Transport in Skåne
Biogas and fossil-fuel free electricity now power public transport for 1.3 million people in the region around Malmö, significantly reducing carbon emissions.