An online platform lets people experience their country and learn new skills for free while staying home.
Category: Community
Solidarity project for vulnerable people
A Greek-wide solidarity platform ensures basic supplies are distributed among vulnerable groups in all municipalities.
Facebook group to offer and ask for help
A facebook group connecting people who offer and seek help has branched out across borders.
Local platform for neighbourhood support
A local platform for neighbourhood support matches people who need help with those who offer it.
Animal solidarity initiative
An online platform makes sure that animals are cared for during the coronavirus pandemic.
Helping governments to tackle challenges in technology, communications, and operations
A volunteer-run, non-partisan initiative helps governments to tackle challenges during the Covid-19 crisis.
Family packages for keeping busy at home
An initiative sends books, toys, and arts and crafts materials to children in need.
Hotel rooms for victims of domestic abuse
With domestic abuse cases surging during Covid-19 lockdowns, hotel rooms and easily accessible counselling is offered to victims.
Celebrities read children’s books to entertain, educate and raise funds
By providing fun and education to kids and parents stuck at home during the coronavirus outbreak, #SaveWithStories collects funds for children in need.
Open-source sprint for the health system
Multiple teams working virtually to solve eight challenges associated with the Covid-19 pandemic.
Home delivered meals for the elderly
A Turkish municipality delivers cooked meals to the elderly twice a day.
Online socialising in quarantine
A digital platform makes it possible to schedule online activities and virtual meet-ups.
Debunking myths on Covid-19
Multilingual website offering reliable information on Covid-19 by experts and scientists.
Provision packages for daily wage workers
Provision packages are being distributed to provide food for daily wage workers in India.
Library service as reliable source of information
Tallinn librarians offer an individualised information service on Covid-19, based on reliable sources.
Survival-kit for men against domestic violence
A practical survival-kit gives men strategies to cope with stress in the current coronacrisis situation.
Hotel delivers food to senior citizens
According to the recommendations of the health authorities, the elderly should not leave their homes to minimise the risk of infection with Covid-19. That is why the InterContinental Hotel started a special food delivery campaign.
App organises help regionally
To match people who seek help with those who offer it, an app using the regional dialect connects those who are close to each other.
Code word for domestic abuse
In France and Spain women can use code words to report domestic abuse at pharmacies.
A voucher system that helps local entrepreneurs
To help small local businesses to survive the coronavirus crisis, this platform enables them sell gift vouchers to consumers.