A Swedish organisation connects newcomers with online language buddies helping both to cope with the isolation.

A Swedish organisation connects newcomers with online language buddies helping both to cope with the isolation.
A German pharmacy produces disinfect with ingredients obtained through wide community outreach.
Neighborhood networks help citizens to resist those members of society who use this crisis to discipline, exclude, and make profit.
To meet the growing demands within a country’s health system, a volunteer programme for doctors, nurses, paramedics, psychologists, and students and retirees with a health or nursing background was set up.
This initiative connects the elderly and those in need with volunteers and supermarkets to help them with their groceries.
Storytelling via videos on social media provides meaningful distraction in quarantine.
A digital service of a hospital allows sending physical greeting cards to patients.
A document available in 10 languages empowers communities to work together in times of crisis.
A municipality offers shopping and pharmacy deliveries with the help of volunteers from a local NGO.
Artists, publishers and agencies joined together to give everyone at home the option to attend concerts while staying at home. For a series of days, the online Festival “EU Fico em Casa” showcased art performances on Instagram.
An online platform lets customers buy vouchers from small local businesses for later use to support them in the current situation.
A telephone chain makes sure that people living alone have at least two small conversations daily.
The biggest Hackathon ever helped to develop digital solutions for more than 800 challenges and thus tackle the secondary effects of Covid-19.
A facebook group helps people coordinate offers and requests for help across Denmark.
Kids in Italy are hanging up pictures of rainbows as messages of hope on their windows and balconies.
To support the elderly in shopping and health matters, the city district government set up its own network to connect younger and older citizens. Government actions to slow virus outbreaks can imply that specific vulnerable […]
After closing for customers, a gourmet restaurant cooks for crisis helpers.
On a famous newsportal in Estonia a blog section was created to links people looking for information on jobs and/or where to get support with businesses/volunteers who can provide and assist.
The social distancing measures implemented, are challenging for many people. To counter feelings of loneliness and isolation, a telephone project was initiated by the community on San Lazzaro (Italy). Community members are contacted and can share their feelings and needs or just have a quick exchange of words.
An existing platform now allows people to start helping and sharing teams that act like individual networks