According to the recommendations of the health authorities, the elderly should not leave their homes to minimise the risk of infection with Covid-19. That is why the InterContinental Hotel started a special food delivery campaign.
Category: Well-Being
VIrtually seeing a doctor
Doctors open virtual practices to care for their patients online. At “KinderarztNow”, you dial in via laptop, smartphone or phone to have your personal session with a doctor.
Spending a virtual night out in a wine bar
To provide customers with the possibility to spend time in a restaurant at least virtually, a restaurant organises a virtual night out via Zoom every other evening.
Using robots to disinfect hospitals
UVD robots can be used to disinfect contaminated hospital rooms.
Using a government’s 3D printers to produce face visors
To overcome the shortage of protective equipment in the elderly care unit in the City of Malmö, government employees used 3D printers to find a solution.
Daily report about the current situation in Intensive Care Units
The German Interdisciplinary Association of Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine publishes a daily report about the situation in German hospitals.
Transforming ship containers to intensive care units
An international taskforce designed an intensive care unit inside a 20-foot shipping container that can be quickly deployed in cities around the world.
Online course: The Science of Well-Being
An online course on well-being teaches participants about misconceptions on happiness and gives them tools to improve their own well-being.
An urban crowdsourcing platform for mutual aid
To connect those who offer help and those who need help, the City of Linz created a crowdsourcing platform.
Free accommodation for people in quarantine
A total of 53 individual accommodation spaces will be available for patients placed in Covid-19 quarantine at the PeleÈ™ Castle, one of the most beautiful castles in all of Europe.
Online one-stop-shop for community messages and Information
A Facebook page provides a community with reliable information. The quality is ensured by a diverse team connecting health services, the police and the clergy.
Italian chefs provide online cooking tutorials
To help people to prepare healthy meals in times of short supplies, several chefs took action and provide the general public with easy recipes.
Providing email support for concerned citizens
To offer support for those who have no symptoms but feel stressed about being Covid-19 positive, an online consultation form was created.
Contactless food delivery
To reduce the risk of infection, a food delivery company defines strict rules for restaurants and delivery staff.
Local WhatsApp chat groups inform in 15 different languages
To ensure that those who may be not familiar with a country’s national language get all the necessary information regarding Covid-19, 40 immigrant associations set up Whatsapp groups in different languages.
Automatically opening and closing doors in public transport
To reduce the risk of infection, passengers no longer have to touch the door openers of metros, trams, and buses.
Car producer offers support to produce medical equipment
Scania sent production and logistics personnel to a medical technology company to help speed up its production and improve logistics.
A platform to collect information and to provide digital tools which support solidarity and mutual assistance
Neighborhood networks help citizens to resist those members of society who use this crisis to discipline, exclude, and make profit.
A government app to make the population aware of Covid-19
An App provides citizens with information on various topics such as symptoms, a map indicating nearby health units and new official news.
A hotline for providing vulnerable groups with necessities
This initiative connects the elderly and those in need with volunteers and supermarkets to help them with their groceries.