
Best Practice in Politics

We curate exemplary political work that successfully tackles today’s most pressing issues. This platform is a hub of tried and tested best practices in politics.

House of Skills

A skills-based labour market is developed by uniting various organisations in career programmes, to support the sustainable employability of lower- and medium-skilled workers.

Housing First, Örebro

When homeless people are provided with a home, they have a better chance of overcoming unemployment and addiction.

Humanitas Retirement Village

Students receive free accommodation for 30 hours per month of their time to support the care of elderly care home residents.


The Jobticket provides discounted public transport for employees, motivating urban commuters to relieve the environment and the whole community of individualised mobility.

Learn Before you Vote

The watchdog network increases the political engagement and knowledge of young people in Lithuania through debates and events.

Library of Sports

Young people can borrow usually expensive outdoor sports equipment for up to two weeks at a time.

The Winners
of the Innovation in Politics Awards 2024

Condominium E-Voting – Successful E-Democracy

Condominium E-Voting allows residents to communicate their housing issues in a quick, easy, and safe manner, enhancing their engagement in the decision-making process and improving the efficiency of services.

SeaProtectorOne, Aarhus

The SeaProtectorOne robot is installed at the river mouth in Aarhus, where the river flows into the harbour, removing rubbish before it enters the sea.