Politicians, policy makers and public servants have never faced a situation like this. They immediately need policies that really work. Best practices can serve as an inspiration, a starting point and a proof of concept.
A campaign to share stories of kindness on social media
To share stories of kindness and show that citizens’ sense of community is not confined by walls, the Mayor of London launched the #LondonTogether campaign.
Financial support for local business vouchers
A municipality in Italy pays half of the cost for vouchers for local businesses that have been hit by the coronavirus crisis.
A government app to make the population aware of Covid-19
An App provides citizens with information on various topics such as symptoms, a map indicating nearby health units and new official news.
A government’s call to action to students and retired care workers
In Glasgow, the City Council and the city’s Health and Social Care Partnership called for people to help out in home care services and residential homes.
Setting up a situation centre to develop new childcare offers for the summer of 2020
The city of Essen set up a “Situation Centre Summer Holidays” with the aim to develop childcare, leisure activities and education for Essen’s children and young people for the 2020 summer holidays.
A coronavirus action group to provide a reliable source of information
The Essex County Council (EEC), in partnership with Facebook and local communities, set up the Essex Coronavirus Action group which aims to provide the people of Essex with a trustworthy source of information and advice.
A government’s framework for decision making during Covid-19
A document sets out guidelines on how government employees should
approach challenges posed by the corona pandemic.
Organising an online City Council meeting
Ghent (Belgium) councillors followed the council meeting online on their home computers. It was the largest digital council meeting ever held in Flanders.
Deferring businesses’ taxes and utility bills
To help businesses survive the coronavirus pandemic and giving them more flexibility, the city of Seattle is deferring businesses’ taxes and utility bills.
Opening streets for pedestrians
Several streets in Vienna have been temporarily opened for pedestrians to make walking outside more compatible with physical distancing.
An Innovation Map helps people to adapt to life during the COVID-19
A worldwide Innovation Map was launched to provide citizens with an overview of innovations helping to adapt to life during the coronavirus pandemic.
Parliament provides virtual tours
Since the Austrian parliament building is closed to visitors due to Covid-19 social distancing measures, it offers virtual tours live via YouTube.