Bratislava sets up a fully-furnished quarantine town with medical and psychological care, for people without homes during lockdown.
IPA Category: Covid-19 Strategies
Recovery, Resilience, Crisis Management
Haringey Together
Covid-19 brings people together in a London district experiencing deprivation, through phone volunteering, food parcel delivery, donations, Mutual Aid Groups, and more.
Gdynia Storm Shelter
A complex system of financial, social, and cultural support services helps local residents in all social groups weather the “storm” of the coronavirus pandemic.
Formigine 2020
A community of 34,000 people, including city authorities and residents, come together to help the municipality recover and develop – both during and in the aftermath of the coronavirus pandemic.
Culture to the Courtyards
Kaunas brings culture to citizens throughout the pandemic thanks to decentralised artistic performances in backyards in the city.
Antivirus Crowdhackathon
Creative and hacking minds meet remotely, interpret the changes caused by COVID-19, and convert the global crisis into an opportunity for progress.
3D Printed Respirators
This Czech 3D printing innovation allows for the quick and efficient, international production of high quality reusable masks that can be stored for ten years.
Can Do Bristol – Give, Live, Love Bristol
Bristol’s unique “One City” governance structure allows the city to face the corona crisis with resilience, as volunteers, politicians, communities, and the public and private sector work together holistically.
#WirVsVirus Hackathon & Support Programme
A diverse pool of 28,000 participants came together to collectively “hack” digital challenges related to the Corona crisis resulting in a great variety of solutions, co-created by civil society and public authorities.
Free Telemedicine Initiative Against Coronavirus
Free teleconsultation services help keep citizens safe and informed through the coronavirus lockdown, thanks to a collaboration between medical staff, local government, and the startup-sector.