Politicians, policy makers and public servants have never faced a situation like this. They immediately need policies that really work. Best practices can serve as an inspiration, a starting point and a proof of concept.
Using crowdfunding to provide a face mask for every citizen
The municipality of Viterbo collects donations to empower companies to reconvert their production lines to the production of face masks.
Global innovation challenge
A global challenge for cost-effective solutions that help to prevent catastrophic effects of the coronavirus pandemic in developing countries.
Pre-testing security protocols at airports and hotels
Spain is testing their new security measures at airports and hotels with a group of German tourists before the official reopening its borders.
A Facebook messenger chatbot to combat Covid-19 misinformation
To better inform the world about Covid-19, the WHO has launched a Facebook Messenger chatbot to offer instant and accurate information about the disease.
Allocation of free university resources for Covid-19 testing
A platform helps to allocate free university resources to laboratories for corona testing.
Collective responses to global health emergencies
A platform invites local and regional governments of all sizes to share their initiatives tackling Covid-19 and other health emergencies.
A list of evidence sources for health- and social-system leaders
To provide political leaders, civil servants and other decision-makers in the political and public sphere with a knowledge base, McMaster University put together a list of evidence sources.
Cities are rapidly expanding their cycle networks
Instead of only temporarily opening more bicycle lanes during the Covid-19 crisis, some big cities are rethinking traffic and public transport.
Collecting worldwide government responses
To support public servants during the Covid-19 crisis, worldwide policies to tackle the spread of Covid-19 are provided in an open document.
A coronavirus action group to provide a reliable source of information
The Essex County Council (EEC), in partnership with Facebook and local communities, set up the Essex Coronavirus Action group which aims to provide the people of Essex with a trustworthy source of information and advice.
A conference to start a global conversation about the implications of Covid-19
To identify practical next steps for local contexts, the OECD will facilitate an international conference on the potential implications of the coronavirus crisis.
A platform that tells citizens how they can support their government
The government of Ontario started an initiative to empower citizens to help fight coronavirus. Citizens can offer emergency products and innovative solutions or volunteer to support the government’s response to Covid-19.