Politicians, policy makers and public servants have never faced a situation like this. They immediately need policies that really work. Best practices can serve as an inspiration, a starting point and a proof of concept.
A government’s framework for decision making during Covid-19
A document sets out guidelines on how government employees should
approach challenges posed by the corona pandemic.
Digital education tools made available for free
Countries at the forefront of digital education are sharing their tools for free in a time of the crisis.
A municipality’s free online home fitness service
To keep its citizens fit during quarantine, the municipality of Chiavari, in partnership with health professionals, started free online fitness classes.
A government initiative supports organisations and individuals
#GdańskPomaga connects those who need support with those people who offer their support through an easy online form. This initiative is a joint effort by the city of Gdansk and its partners.
Code word for domestic abuse
In France and Spain women can use code words to report domestic abuse at pharmacies.
Risk-mitigating measures for public transport
How to ensure that the local traffic infrastructure can continue its services, while at the same time protecting its staff and passengers from infection.
Free temporary bike sharing
The bike-sharing system in Berlin can be used for free for the first 30 minutes to make it more easily accessible.
Government platform to recruit retired or unemployed health professionals
The French Ministry of Solidarity and Health launched a platform to recruit volunteers and health professionals who are unemployed or retired.
A government app to make the population aware of Covid-19
An App provides citizens with information on various topics such as symptoms, a map indicating nearby health units and new official news.
A city’s job platform to create a pool of municipal workers
To be prepared for a shortage of employees in its services due to Covid-19 related sick leave, the City of Uppsala set up its own job platform.
Digital infrastructure for homeschooling
The city of Vienna provides free laptops and a digital learning platform for students in need.
A marketing grant scheme for food, drink and horticulture businesses
The Irish Food Board set up a special grant to support the marketing and sales initiatives of the Irish food and horticulture industry.