Politicians, policy makers and public servants have never faced a situation like this. They immediately need policies that really work. Best practices can serve as an inspiration, a starting point and a proof of concept.
Website lists local support services
A website launched by the city administration of Rheinfelden gives its citizens an overview of local support services.

Discovering a whole country from home
An online platform lets people experience their country and learn new skills for free while staying home.
Using AI to detect temperatures of people in high-density urban areas
Recent technological advances can be used to to liberate health professionals from risky tasks.

Setting up a situation centre to develop new childcare offers for the summer of 2020
The city of Essen set up a “Situation Centre Summer Holidays” with the aim to develop childcare, leisure activities and education for Essen’s children and young people for the 2020 summer holidays.

Infoservice on Telegram
A city sends latest Covid-19 updates via Telegram directly to its inhabitants.

Using contact trackers to fight the spread of covid-19
People who source the latest contacts of newly quarantined patients help to fight the outbreak of Covid-19.
Support helpline for residents
To support people with mental health issues during the coronavirus crisis, the City of Ostrów Wielkopolski has launched a support hotline.

Open competition for Covid-19 innovations
A competition seeks to ensure that the most innovative solutions for the secondary effects of the coronavirus crisis are put into practice.

Supporting local shops that offer home delivery
A geo-referenced online map shows the small neighborhood shops and businesses that sell essential goods and offer home delivery.

A tracking project to obtain, organise and publish high-quality data
A team of more than 100 volunteer data-grabbers, journalists, scientists, visualisation specialists, designers, project managers, and many others help fill public health data gaps.
A government’s initiative equips people with innovative solutions and services
To improve peoples’ lives during lockdown and quarantine, the Italian Ministry for Technological Innovation and Digitalisation launched an initiative offering citizens innovative solutions and services.

Government offers free webinars for a “safe home office”
The government of the Austrian province Lower Austria offers free and publicly accessible webinars on the topic of “Secure Home Office”. They inform citizens on how to protect themselves and their data.