Politicians, policy makers and public servants have never faced a situation like this. They immediately need policies that really work. Best practices can serve as an inspiration, a starting point and a proof of concept.
Free online state library
Access to digital library service is opened up online, to offer reading materials while closing the physical libraries.
Multilingual education material
A Norwegian platform offers educational material in Norwegian as well as in the country’s main immigrant languages.
Regional youth platform
The municipality of Reggio Emilia created a new section on its website where young people can find local online projects and services.
A resource centre for public sector practitioners
The Ash Center at Harvard Kennedy School curates an online platform to provide resources for public sector practitioners.
Helping governments to tackle challenges in technology, communications, and operations
A volunteer-run, non-partisan initiative helps governments to tackle challenges during the Covid-19 crisis.
Basic income for citizens
In April 2020 the Brazilian Congress decided to implement a basic income which is more than half of the Brazilian minimum monthly wage for the time of the coronavirus crisis.
Pre-testing security protocols at airports and hotels
Spain is testing their new security measures at airports and hotels with a group of German tourists before the official reopening its borders.
A Facebook messenger chatbot to combat Covid-19 misinformation
To better inform the world about Covid-19, the WHO has launched a Facebook Messenger chatbot to offer instant and accurate information about the disease.
A government’s framework for decision making during Covid-19
A document sets out guidelines on how government employees should
approach challenges posed by the corona pandemic.
Instagram channel promotes supporting local businesses
An Instagram channel presents small businesses and ways to support them.
Making international best practices in policy available to politicians
For both, policy makers as well as politicians, in times of crises it is imperative to have a comprehensive database of policy options at hand.
A remote system that allows politicians to discuss and vote on matters from a distance
The Brazilian House of Representatives and the Senate agreed to implement the Remote Deliberation System (SDR) to ensure a working congress during lockdown.