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Archives: Virus Articles
Shopping and pharmacy deliveries
A municipality offers shopping and pharmacy deliveries with the help of volunteers from a local NGO.
3D printing valves for reanimation devices
When parts for reanimation devices can not be delivered through the usual production chains, 3D printing can be an alternative.
Collaboration between short film festivals
A cooperation between cancelled short film festival presents an online short film festival in support of those most affected by COVID-19.
Managing care services online
By using the technologies of the future and diagnosing the real needs of users, Good Support gives a new look at care and social services.
Online Art Festival
Artists, publishers and agencies joined together to give everyone at home the option to attend concerts while staying at home. For a series of days, the online Festival “EU Fico em Casa” showcased art performances on Instagram.
Local business support platform
An online platform lets customers buy vouchers from small local businesses for later use to support them in the current situation.
Helping governments to understand and compare policy responses
The government response tracker is designed to help researchers, policymakers and citizens understand whether increasingly strict measures affect the rate of infection, and identify what causes governments to implement stricter or less strict measures.
Drones transporting medical supplies within and between hospitals
To decrease human interactions of health workers, drones were used to transport medical supplies.
Social distancing stickers in supermarkets
Stickers on the floors of supermarkets are telling customers to stand in line with distance between each other.
Promotion fund for home office and works council communication
Upper Austrian Chamber of Labour adapts fund for crisis.
Telephone chain for people living alone
A telephone chain makes sure that people living alone have at least two small conversations daily.
Support and information in foreign languages
A multi-lingual information campaign keeps people with migration background in the loop about the COVID-19 outbreak.
#WirvsVirus – Hackathons develop solutions to manage the crisis
The biggest Hackathon ever helped to develop digital solutions for more than 800 challenges and thus tackle the secondary effects of Covid-19.
Teachers share their best homeschooling practices with parents
To support parents and carers in homeschooling their children, teachers provide advice in a Whatsapp group.
Community help facebook groups
A facebook group helps people coordinate offers and requests for help across Denmark.
Voluntary quarantine to ensure energy security
Essential specialists at an Austrian energy company went into voluntary quarantine to be ready to take over from sick colleagues.
Opening a job platform for freelancers, sole traders or micro entrepreneurs
To increase job opportunities for experts in advertising and PR, an existing expert portfolio will be opened to non-members to help them to find work.
Message on windows and balconies
Kids in Italy are hanging up pictures of rainbows as messages of hope on their windows and balconies.
Government fund to develop innovative solutions
To boost the development of innovative technological solutions, a government fund provides companies with financial support.