The #StopFoodWaste campaign resulted in a French law that obligates supermarkets to donate unsold food, saving more than 10 million meals per year from the landfill and increasing food donations to social aid organisations by over 22%.

The #StopFoodWaste campaign resulted in a French law that obligates supermarkets to donate unsold food, saving more than 10 million meals per year from the landfill and increasing food donations to social aid organisations by over 22%.
The H22 project is a long-term investment in the welfare and quality of life of the citizens of Helsingborg, and aims to make the city smarter and more sustainable in order to address emerging social and environmental challenges.
The War & Sanctions database is a comprehensive global resource that provides information on individuals and companies subject to sanctions following Russia’s attack on Ukraine.
The progressive primaries in Sicily facilitated the adoption of online voting among a diverse electorate, making democratic participation more accessible and secure.
The Citizen Participation Platform connects citizens with local administrative departments to generate dialogue on civic improvements and implement project ideas.
MAGMA is the world’s first job guarantee project that addresses the issue of long-term unemployment by offering job guarantees, support services, and access to decent employment for job seekers.
Brand New Bundestag (BNB) is an independent and non-partisan grassroots organisation that advocates for progressive, forward-looking politics by supporting young political talent.
CamBuildr changes the way campaigns communicate, empowering them to build agile, digital communication platforms in minutes.
Politik Akademie der Vielfalt (Politics Academy of Diversity) engages individuals with a migration background in the political process through skill-building workshops, events, and professional support.
The Feel Free project aims to tackle period poverty among teenagers and young adults living in the City of Liège by distributing free sanitary products and useful information on menstruation, with the goal of increasing accessibility, reducing waste, and raising awareness.
HEROES® is a unique project in Germany that engages young men as peer educators, empowering them to dismantle harmful gender stereotypes and create a reflective and unbiased space for young people to discuss important societal issues.
Estonia’s successful implementation of a design-thinking reform led to user-friendly support measures, process innovation, and the development of new competencies among administration officials.
Hamburg implements a comprehensive strategy to green the city’s roofs in order to mitigate the adverse effects of climate change, such as increased extreme heat and rainfall events.
Gdynia’s comprehensive measures have made it one of the first deaf-friendly cities in Poland, ensuring that residents with special needs can fully participate in, and benefit from, city services.
This controlled-testing environment provides safe spaces in which different products, services, and innovative projects can be tested and put into practice, simplifying procedures to facilitate innovation and entrepreneurship, thus attracting talent and investments to the city.
The Gdynia Dialogue Platform centralises information on city projects and engagement opportunities in an open-source format, allowing residents to participate in consultations both in person and online.
The long-running Helsinki Youth Budget engages thousands of young people across the city every year, who propose, negotiate, and vote on ideas for activities and services aimed at 12-17 year-old residents.
The City of Rybnik uses participatory budgeting to allocate funds to social projects voted on by residents, empowering citizens to shape the direction of their city’s development.
The EdTech project aims to transform the Lithuanian education system by fostering a culture of innovation through equipping educational institutions with innovative tools.
This project aims to promote a culture of entrepreneurship and innovation among 350 children aged 6-10 from the City of Lublin through specialist training, workshops, company visits, and a final gala, promoting the city’s economy among project participants.