To reduce the risk of infection, passengers no longer have to touch the door openers of metros, trams, and buses.
Category: Work

Car producer offers support to produce medical equipment
Scania sent production and logistics personnel to a medical technology company to help speed up its production and improve logistics.

Pharmacy produces disinfectant with community support
A German pharmacy produces disinfect with ingredients obtained through wide community outreach.

Covid-19 tech competition
A funding competition invites the best tech innovators to contribute solutions to problems posed by Covid-19.

Platform to help farmers find harvesters
An online platform connects farmers in need of harvesters with people looking for a job.

A digital museum for children’s ideas, paintings, artworks, videos and sounds
As a children’s museum had to close its doors during the crisis, it decided to transform its website to an online gallery where children who are at home can display their work.
Programming training for children at home
The Digital Kids Foundation opens its resources for child programming training and launches a virtual programming training initiative in early April until the end of quarantine.

3D printing valves for reanimation devices
When parts for reanimation devices can not be delivered through the usual production chains, 3D printing can be an alternative.

Collaboration between short film festivals
A cooperation between cancelled short film festival presents an online short film festival in support of those most affected by COVID-19.

Managing care services online
By using the technologies of the future and diagnosing the real needs of users, Good Support gives a new look at care and social services.

Drones transporting medical supplies within and between hospitals
To decrease human interactions of health workers, drones were used to transport medical supplies.

Social distancing stickers in supermarkets
Stickers on the floors of supermarkets are telling customers to stand in line with distance between each other.

Promotion fund for home office and works council communication
Upper Austrian Chamber of Labour adapts fund for crisis.
Voluntary quarantine to ensure energy security
Essential specialists at an Austrian energy company went into voluntary quarantine to be ready to take over from sick colleagues.
Opening a job platform for freelancers, sole traders or micro entrepreneurs
To increase job opportunities for experts in advertising and PR, an existing expert portfolio will be opened to non-members to help them to find work.

Simplifying doctor-patient communication
New policies enable consulting a doctor and receiving prescriptions without personal contact.

Distilleries produce hand-sanitizer
During the outbreak of an infectious disease, more disinfectant is needed than usual. A temporary shortage of disinfectant occurred in many places during the current COVID-19 outbreak. Many health institutions worried that they would not […]

Stickers in public transport
A sticker reminds public transport users to push door-opening buttons with their elbows.

Virtual zoo visit
Live-streams of the animals allow people to visit the zoo virtually while staying isolated at home.

Restaurant cooks for helpers
After closing for customers, a gourmet restaurant cooks for crisis helpers.