Best Practice in Politics
We curate exemplary political work that successfully tackles today’s most pressing issues. This platform is a hub of tried and tested best practices in politics.
Senior Universities: a project for the whole community
Universities for pensioners, with 5,500 volunteer teachers and legal recognition, improve the quality of life of tens of thousands of senior citizens across Portugal.
Silver Fourchette – National Awareness Programme for the Alimentation of Seniors
This initiative motivates seniors to reconsider their relationship with food, educates them about nutritional values, promotes cooking, and brings people together for many events, with the aim of fighting malnutrition and its effects on senior citizens.
South London Special Educational Needs Commissioning
A collaboration of London boroughs beyond political boundaries establishes better, lower-cost special educational needs services.
The Alternative
A movement and political party is established to revive democracy and foster a new political culture of outside-the-box thinking, in order to overcome ideological constraints.
The Bristol Pound
A local and complementary currency keeps local money circulating in Bristol and the former County of Avon.
The Integration Year
A one-year integration programme stops refugees from being condemned to waiting and instead allows them to start their education and gain qualifications, shortly after entering the country.
The Intergenerational Canteen of Bioule
Young and old share meals in the school canteen, open up each other’s worlds in the process, and engage in communal activities.
The Mayor Delivered to Your House
This is the opportunity to invite the Mayor into your living room to discuss citizens’ feedback and to better understand the City’s policies.
The Open Political Laboratory – GLP LAB
The Laboratory experiments with modern ideas of collaboration and finds fresh impulses for the Swiss political system, which is based on voluntary participation.
The Shop Tester – Testeur de Commerce
Dedicated test location: a commercial area designed to allow experimenting with new business concepts.
The Skill Mill Newcastle
Structured training and the resulting employment opportunities methodically provide new perspectives to young ex-offenders.
The Skill Mill Tallinn
Tallinn adopts Newcastle’s best practice Skill Mill model, connecting unemployed youth with local stakeholders.
The Winners
of the Innovation in Politics Awards 2024
DEC112 – Digital Emergency Communication 112
In 2019, DEC112 was launched to provide an alternative to speech-based emergency communication by implementing a text-based service.
Foodcard: dignified state food aid for people in need
The Foodcard is an innovative solution which gives people the freedom and dignity to choose what food and necessities to buy, and from where.
B-MINCOME: guaranteed minimum income & active social policies in deprived urban areas
B-MINCOME effectively improves the well-being of families in socially excluded and deprived areas by combining minimum income guarantees with inclusion policies.