Politicians, policy makers and public servants have never faced a situation like this. They immediately need policies that really work. Best practices can serve as an inspiration, a starting point and a proof of concept.

A handbook to make governments more resilient for future crises
Code For Germany, a network of groups of volunteers (Labs), published a handbook for governments about challenges and possible solutions for crisis management.

Using crowdfunding to provide a face mask for every citizen
The municipality of Viterbo collects donations to empower companies to reconvert their production lines to the production of face masks.
A resource centre for public sector practitioners
The Ash Center at Harvard Kennedy School curates an online platform to provide resources for public sector practitioners.
Providing information for voluntary services
To allow for smooth and un-bureacratic administrative support for voluntary services, the regional government of Rhineland-Palatine has set up an information initiative.

Using AI as early warning system
Artificial intelligence technology mines through news reports and online content to help experts recognize anomalies. When diseases first pop up in different areas of a country/state/city/area, it can often be difficult for politicians and policy-makers
Using AI to detect temperatures of people in high-density urban areas
Recent technological advances can be used to to liberate health professionals from risky tasks.

Discovering a whole country from home
An online platform lets people experience their country and learn new skills for free while staying home.

Expanding bike lanes to prevent coronavirus spread
In the Colombian capital of Bogotá, bike lanes were temporarily opened to avoid crowds in times of social distancing.
Financial support for local business vouchers
A municipality in Italy pays half of the cost for vouchers for local businesses that have been hit by the coronavirus crisis.

Collecting Open Government Approaches to Covid-19
The Open Government Partnership activated its community to provide the general public with information on open government approaches to tackle Covid-19.

Assisting businesses with their applications for financial support
A platform helps businesses identify the support programmes for which they can apply and describes the necessary steps.

ID could function as a debit card to receive financial benefits
A government is exploring ways to transfer benefits to citizens without bank accounts.