Politicians, policy makers and public servants have never faced a situation like this. They immediately need policies that really work. Best practices can serve as an inspiration, a starting point and a proof of concept.
Using population maps to tackle disease outbreaks and plan public health campaigns
Artificial Intelligence can be used to create disease prevention maps. They provide information on where outbreaks may occur and the potential spread of disease.
A coronavirus action group to provide a reliable source of information
The Essex County Council (EEC), in partnership with Facebook and local communities, set up the Essex Coronavirus Action group which aims to provide the people of Essex with a trustworthy source of information and advice.
Publicly discussing the geopolitical consequences of Covid-19
The French project Open Diplomacy started a public platform to discuss the geopolitical effects of Covid-19.
Participatory document for re-opening strategy
The city of Milan invites its citizens to contribute their ideas to the re-opening strategy for the city.
Government offers free webinars for a “safe home office”
The government of the Austrian province Lower Austria offers free and publicly accessible webinars on the topic of “Secure Home Office”. They inform citizens on how to protect themselves and their data.
Providing citizens with iPads for virtual family reunions
To make it possible for families to reunite at least virtually, the NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde are supplying their wards with 100 iPads, complete with FaceTime, Skype and Zoom.
Pre-testing security protocols at airports and hotels
Spain is testing their new security measures at airports and hotels with a group of German tourists before the official reopening its borders.
Take-away library books
A Swedish library organises contactless pick-ups of books outside the library to provide reading material during the lockdowns.
Infoservice on Telegram
A city sends latest Covid-19 updates via Telegram directly to its inhabitants.
Full citizens rights for migrants and asylum seekers during Covid-19 outbreak
Portugal gives temporary citizenship rights to migrants and asylum seekers to grant them equal access to the health care and social security system.
Deferring businesses’ taxes and utility bills
To help businesses survive the coronavirus pandemic and giving them more flexibility, the city of Seattle is deferring businesses’ taxes and utility bills.
Giving an online stage to members of the community
On the Facebook page of a municipality in Italy, people can contribute their skills and knowledge to the community.