Politicians, policy makers and public servants have never faced a situation like this. They immediately need policies that really work. Best practices can serve as an inspiration, a starting point and a proof of concept.

Giving an online stage to members of the community
On the Facebook page of a municipality in Italy, people can contribute their skills and knowledge to the community.

Bientina Instagram contest
An Italian municipality engages its youth in an Instagram challenge on how to stay positive at home.
Providing adequate assistance for homeless people
To care for homeless people during the pandemic whilst protecting public health, health professionals and social workers offer assistance in Bratislava.

Connecting businesses and individuals to find solutions for key challenges
Life Sciences Hub Wales connects innovators to accelerate the development of urgently needed products and treatments and to ease the pressures on health care services.

Take-away library books
A Swedish library organises contactless pick-ups of books outside the library to provide reading material during the lockdowns.

Launching a global learning platform for displaced and refugee children
A new global learning platform to help address COVID-19 education crisis is launched by UNICEF to keep children learning.

Using AI as early warning system
Artificial intelligence technology mines through news reports and online content to help experts recognize anomalies. When diseases first pop up in different areas of a country/state/city/area, it can often be difficult for politicians and policy-makers

Participation process on home learning
A participation process brought the voices of students to education policy makers with the aim to improve remote learning.

A one-stop-shop for technological Covid-19 solutions
Two non-profits in Israel have set up a website to empower a country’s tech community with opportunities for collaborations and new ventures,

Adapting a public funding call to Covid-19
Adapting existing funding calls to Covid-19 crisis response measures allows for rapid product development to combat the crisis.
Deferring businesses’ taxes and utility bills
To help businesses survive the coronavirus pandemic and giving them more flexibility, the city of Seattle is deferring businesses’ taxes and utility bills.

Building a global open-source platform for low-cost solutions
The United Nations Development Programme and Hackster.io join forces with the world’s brightest technology companies to develop solutions for those who will be hardest hit by this pandemic.