Politicians, policy makers and public servants have never faced a situation like this. They immediately need policies that really work. Best practices can serve as an inspiration, a starting point and a proof of concept.

A coronavirus action group to provide a reliable source of information
The Essex County Council (EEC), in partnership with Facebook and local communities, set up the Essex Coronavirus Action group which aims to provide the people of Essex with a trustworthy source of information and advice.

Launching a global learning platform for displaced and refugee children
A new global learning platform to help address COVID-19 education crisis is launched by UNICEF to keep children learning.

A handbook to make governments more resilient for future crises
Code For Germany, a network of groups of volunteers (Labs), published a handbook for governments about challenges and possible solutions for crisis management.

A remote system that allows politicians to discuss and vote on matters from a distance
The Brazilian House of Representatives and the Senate agreed to implement the Remote Deliberation System (SDR) to ensure a working congress during lockdown.

Infoservice on Telegram
A city sends latest Covid-19 updates via Telegram directly to its inhabitants.

Take-away library books
A Swedish library organises contactless pick-ups of books outside the library to provide reading material during the lockdowns.

Using AI as early warning system
Artificial intelligence technology mines through news reports and online content to help experts recognize anomalies. When diseases first pop up in different areas of a country/state/city/area, it can often be difficult for politicians and policy-makers

Collective responses to global health emergencies
A platform invites local and regional governments of all sizes to share their initiatives tackling Covid-19 and other health emergencies.

A remote learning city
To make as many learning resources available online, the City of Gdynia offers a variety of online platforms, online services and websites.

Collecting Open Government Approaches to Covid-19
The Open Government Partnership activated its community to provide the general public with information on open government approaches to tackle Covid-19.
Using AI to detect temperatures of people in high-density urban areas
Recent technological advances can be used to to liberate health professionals from risky tasks.

Tools for transit agencies and cities
A selection of resources helps cities and transit agencies to respond to the coronavirus crisis.