Politicians, policy makers and public servants have never faced a situation like this. They immediately need policies that really work. Best practices can serve as an inspiration, a starting point and a proof of concept.
Free parking for hospital staff and care workers
A city council offers free parking for hospital staff and care workers.
Parliament provides virtual tours
Since the Austrian parliament building is closed to visitors due to Covid-19 social distancing measures, it offers virtual tours live via YouTube.
Gender equality awareness campaign
A Turkish Mayor starts a campaign on gender equality to raise awareness on the importance of sharing household responsibilities during isolation.
A government platform to inform about EdTech
As many EdTech projects are still unknown to teachers, parents and children, the Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry provides an overview of potential offers.
Using a government’s 3D printers to produce face visors
To overcome the shortage of protective equipment in the elderly care unit in the City of Malmö, government employees used 3D printers to find a solution.
A conference to start a global conversation about the implications of Covid-19
To identify practical next steps for local contexts, the OECD will facilitate an international conference on the potential implications of the coronavirus crisis.
Using AI as early warning system
Artificial intelligence technology mines through news reports and online content to help experts recognize anomalies. When diseases first pop up in different areas of a country/state/city/area, it can often be difficult for politicians and policy-makers
Collecting Open Government Approaches to Covid-19
The Open Government Partnership activated its community to provide the general public with information on open government approaches to tackle Covid-19.
A government app to make the population aware of Covid-19
An App provides citizens with information on various topics such as symptoms, a map indicating nearby health units and new official news.
Support helpline for residents
To support people with mental health issues during the coronavirus crisis, the City of Ostrów Wielkopolski has launched a support hotline.
Cities are rapidly expanding their cycle networks
Instead of only temporarily opening more bicycle lanes during the Covid-19 crisis, some big cities are rethinking traffic and public transport.
Virtual proceedings in the UK Parliament
The UK parliament allows Commons members to participate in sessions virtually.