Best Practice in Politics
We curate exemplary political work that successfully tackles today’s most pressing issues. This platform is a hub of tried and tested best practices in politics.
Feminist City Planning – Praxagora
Feminist architecture, focusing on female requirements in urban space in a Stockholm neighbourhood, makes women feel safer and more at ease.
Free Telemedicine Initiative Against Coronavirus
Free teleconsultation services help keep citizens safe and informed through the coronavirus lockdown, thanks to a collaboration between medical staff, local government, and the startup-sector.
Graz Fund for Promotion and Development
Graz supports the professional development of the working population at risk of poverty, with grants for education and training.
Harraga Boys
A programme in Palermo provides a support system for unaccompanied migrant minors with skills training, work placement, and social housing.
Healthy Eating in Nurseries
An orchard and greenhouse provides fresh, healthy, and environmentally friendly fruit and vegetables for children.
House of Skills
A skills-based labour market is developed by uniting various organisations in career programmes, to support the sustainable employability of lower- and medium-skilled workers.
Housing First, Örebro
When homeless people are provided with a home, they have a better chance of overcoming unemployment and addiction.
Including People with Intellectual Disabilities
The government of the Province of Biscay makes special provisions to recruit civil servants from societal groups with intellectual disabilities.
Inclusive Employment in Park Maintenance
A special consultant team provides support for employees with disabilities and to the management of the Parks and Gardens Municipal Institute in Barcelona.
Integrated Home Care Development Programme in Lithuania
This programme provides professional assistance to people in Lithuania who privately take care of their family members at home.
The Jobticket provides discounted public transport for employees, motivating urban commuters to relieve the environment and the whole community of individualised mobility.
Karjeras – Lithuania’s First One-Stop Career Centre
A career centre offers guidance and individual consultations to local youth, provided by a team of specialists.
The Winners
of the Innovation in Politics Awards 2024
Condominium E-Voting – Successful E-Democracy
Condominium E-Voting allows residents to communicate their housing issues in a quick, easy, and safe manner, enhancing their engagement in the decision-making process and improving the efficiency of services.
B-MINCOME: guaranteed minimum income & active social policies in deprived urban areas
B-MINCOME effectively improves the well-being of families in socially excluded and deprived areas by combining minimum income guarantees with inclusion policies.
Citizens of Ankara: Re-Assemble!
This innovative Citizens’ Assembly fosters trust and engagement among citizens and local stakeholders, building a more resilient and cohesive social and political landscape across the City of Ankara.