
Best Practice in Politics

We curate exemplary political work that successfully tackles today’s most pressing issues. This platform is a hub of tried and tested best practices in politics.

Natural Play Space Programme

Children co-create their own ecological and easily accessable play-spaces within urban areas, to promote healthy lifestyles, inclusive development, and community-building.

Our Balbriggan Rejuvenation Plan 2019-2025

Participative public consultations and citizen engagement help a young and diverse town deliver nearly a hundred action items, to rejuvenate the town centre, improve public areas, and enhance residents’ lives.


A gamified approach closes the gap between a low-skilled labour force and the fast-growing technical sector, with the help of a skills passport and a tailored education programme for job seekers.

Plovdiv Organic Garden

Being surrounded by plants reconnects young people to the earth and their fellow humans; learning about farming gives them new knowledge whilst enhancing their personal development.

Regional Strategy for Social Economy

A regional employment agency sets up two integrative social enterprises to support and address the specific needs of disadvantaged and marginalised people with employment difficulties, providing skills development and work experience.

ReLabs – Laboratory of Living Waste

A circular system of material usage and re-use changes the urban design and waste management landscape of Madrid, leading to the construction of playgrounds from repurposed materials as well as fundamental systemic changes.

The Winners
of the Innovation in Politics Awards 2024

Condominium E-Voting – Successful E-Democracy

Condominium E-Voting allows residents to communicate their housing issues in a quick, easy, and safe manner, enhancing their engagement in the decision-making process and improving the efficiency of services.