Politicians, policy makers and public servants have never faced a situation like this. They immediately need policies that really work. Best practices can serve as an inspiration, a starting point and a proof of concept.
Crisis response manual
An easy-to-read online manual on crisis communication, public health and technological advancements for governments at all levels.
A list of evidence sources for health- and social-system leaders
To provide political leaders, civil servants and other decision-makers in the political and public sphere with a knowledge base, McMaster University put together a list of evidence sources.
A conference to start a global conversation about the implications of Covid-19
To identify practical next steps for local contexts, the OECD will facilitate an international conference on the potential implications of the coronavirus crisis.
Telecare service to overcome the digital divide
The Basque government offers a tele assistance service to overcome the digital divide in times of isolation.
Multilingual education material
A Norwegian platform offers educational material in Norwegian as well as in the country’s main immigrant languages.
Health System Response Monitor
A new tool analyses Covid-19 response measures across European countries.
ID could function as a debit card to receive financial benefits
A government is exploring ways to transfer benefits to citizens without bank accounts.
Providing free or lower-cost digital services and products
The Greek Ministry of Digital Governance initiated the provision of free or low-cost digital services and products by operators, individuals and businesses.
Providing email support for concerned citizens
To offer support for those who have no symptoms but feel stressed about being Covid-19 positive, an online consultation form was created.
Successfully organizing blood donations
To make blood donations possible, an online platform was created that allows citizens to book personal appointments in special donation facilities.
Bientina Instagram contest
An Italian municipality engages its youth in an Instagram challenge on how to stay positive at home.
Parliament provides virtual tours
Since the Austrian parliament building is closed to visitors due to Covid-19 social distancing measures, it offers virtual tours live via YouTube.