Electoral District Citizen Assemblies (EDCAs) renew the relationship between residents and their local MPs, with a focus on engaging with those people who are disillusioned and frustrated with the[…]
Programme: The Innovation in Politics Awards
Educational and Social Inclusion of Migrant and Refugee Children in Primary Schools
A project to help migrant children integrate into local schools, providing them not only with an education and new skills, but also with friends, fun, and enriching experiences.
This free open-source platform allows institutions all over the world to initiate participation processes, leading to the democratisation of development.
Eberswalde Citizens’ Budget
A system of participatory budgeting is questioned and redefined in order to encourage maximum participation with a low-threshold voting event.
An e-governance App is launched which facilitates citizen participation and helps the administration communicate with the city’s residents.
Bristol’s First Citizens’ Assembly
A representative group of citizens discuss three challenging topics and make recommendations which will inform the city’s plans for the future.
Citizens’ Convention on Climate
The Citizens’ Convention on Climate, an unprecedented democratic experiment in France, aims to give citizens a voice to accelerate the fight against climate change.
City of the Future 2030: Co-Create Sustainability through Digitalisation – IoT for Everybody
Ulm has been chosen as one of Germany’s Cities of the Future, implementing digital projects using a bottom-up co-creation approach which will develop the urban environment in a more sustainable way.
Connected Newsstands
The City of Milan develops an app to enable newsstands to securely provide citizens with certificates issued by the registry office on demand.
AVAILABLE – Hub of Opportunities
The first training centre specifically adapted to the needs of disabled people opens in Bulgaria, empowering them by increasing their skills, knowledge, and participation in the labour market.
Binit Better: streamlining waste services
A flexible and responsive waste-collection service is designed to help businesses take control of their waste.
Apprenticeship in Vorarlberg
A new approach to recruiting apprentices aims to inspire the next generation of skilled workers through the use of new technologies and the creation of regional and national communication networks.
Brake the Curve
The Government of Aragon enabled the creation of platform that channelled the spontaneous civic initiatives that arose as a response to the humanitarian crisis resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic.
Age Friendly Business Recognition Programme
Businesses consult with older customers about the changes they could make to improve their services, and in doing so engage with an often neglected but expanding consumer base.
A specifically designed App allows disabled parking card holders to more easily find an available parking space, while reducing the illegal occupation of these spaces by able-bodies drivers.
+Ricicli +Viaggi – the more you recycle the more you travel
A novel approach to recycling sees plastic bottles exchanged for discounts on public transport tickets in Italy.
#KeinPlatzfürHate (#NoPlaceforHate)
A series of targeted measures offer support to victims of bullying, as well as raising awareness and providing training on dealing with bullying, both on and offline.
A coordinated campaign organises assistance and improves cooperation between organisations, resident volunteers and the city’s services.
LE TELE DI ARACNE, Sewing Academy
A new sewing academy is launched in a building confiscated from the Mafia, with the aim of giving new skills to young people from marginalised groups.
On / Off Factory
An initiative in Parma supports entrepreneurship and youth employability through laboratories that explain business planning, innovative learning and tools, and enable the use fo collaborative spaces and services.