The Commission wants to get conversations started, to fight the widespread problem of loneliness, amongst the community and between private and public organisations.
Programme: The Innovation in Politics Awards
Flat-Sharing for Solidarity Projects
Committing to neighbourhood solidarity activities allows students to rent affordable, shared apartments in Lyon.
No Wrong Door
Structural changes within council care break the negative cycle for young people, with the introduction of comprehensive, multidisciplinary teams.
Music School in the Country
A professionally organised music school in a rural community in Poland elevates the local culture and artistic interest.
A series of programmes in personal development and creative exploration build new opportunities for talented young people and reveal their potential.
Inclusive Employment in Park Maintenance
A special consultant team provides support for employees with disabilities and to the management of the Parks and Gardens Municipal Institute in Barcelona.
Lower Silesian Economic Activity Zone – S3 Jawor
A planned expressway gives a new boost to an economic activity zone in Poland, attracting new investors.
Municipal Apprenticeship Initiative
This project organises apprenticeships for refugees, making up for the decline in local applicants.
Plymouth 1000 Club
This collaborative platform fosters efficient connections between employers and the young in Plymouth, delivering thousands of job opportunities at a low cost.
The Skill Mill Newcastle
Structured training and the resulting employment opportunities methodically provide new perspectives to young ex-offenders.
Res Exposures Prepared by the Children of Sevlievo
School competitions are making up for the disadvantages of children in rural areas and upgrade the educational content in various subjects.
South London Special Educational Needs Commissioning
A collaboration of London boroughs beyond political boundaries establishes better, lower-cost special educational needs services.
Actors of a Sustainable Paris
This network is aiming to create a sustainable Paris with activities to reduce the ecological footprint, supported by a website and a physical meeting point.
Alpine Lamb Project
Four-legged lawnmowers, called sheep, are keeping ski slopes in good shape over summer and prevent erosion, overgrowth, and avalanches.
An Electric Car for All Citizens
Climate-friendly mobility is instigated by a single electric car, purchased in a small locality for all residents to share.
Integrated Ecological Education in Słupsk
Joint efforts by the City, companies, and NGOs offer coordinated ecological education to bring measurable benefits for citizens, in terms of pollution and costs.
London Ealing Council – Trees for Cities Partnership
The urban Borough of Ealing sets up a comprehensive tree strategy, including free fruit for all residents from orchards, planted on public land.
Plus Belles Nos Vies
Citizens, collaborating on grassroots projects on a digital platform, strive to improve their community life.
Villages Compete for Climate Protection
Villages and private households compete to find the most effective energy-saving measures, and to reduce carbon emissions.
Calliope Mini
A digital wizard tool provides various opportunities for schoolchildren to do their own programming and explore the world of bits and bytes.