Am online platform encourages civic and political engagement of children and adolescents in the Canton, and recognises them as citizens.

Am online platform encourages civic and political engagement of children and adolescents in the Canton, and recognises them as citizens.
Subsidised education and training courses, with the help of a personal advisor, enable Viennese to secure a fulfilling working life.
The market economy is instrumentalised to provide housing for people with lower incomes within the new estates of Örebro.
This online platform makes it easy for volunteers to find the placements that suit them best, and for organisations to announce their vacancies.
Irish libraries evolve into accessible community hubs that meet the needs of their communities.
The mobile centre at the library of Vratsa reduces information isolation by providing computer literacy training for older people.
Migrants are welcomed and supported through this community programme which helps them integrate into life in the UK.
Lithuanian professionals with internationally acquired experience help the Lithuanian Government adopt the best foreign practices.
Local volunteers in Wrocław help newcomers to learn Polish for free.
One community fridge saves 90,000 food items per year from being wasted whilst providing a unique opportunity for social connections to form.
Students receive free accommodation for 30 hours per month of their time to support the care of elderly care home residents.
Through a new online platform, Longford residents can take a more active role in shaping the future of their county.
School buildings are used in the evenings and on weekends for the benefit of the wider community.
Low-cost intergenerational flat-sharing creates greater social cohesion between students and the elderly.
A transnational network of policy think tanks is set up with an open source digital platform.
The City of Leipzig reinvigorates and strengthens democratic values under the motto “You. Us. Leipzig”, and with the promotion of 28 projects.
Brownfield sites in cities are transformed into usable spaces with portable, ‘green’ urban boxes.
The Jobticket provides discounted public transport for employees, motivating urban commuters to relieve the environment and the whole community of individualised mobility.
Participative democracy supports a shift towards intellectual autonomy, energy independence, and food sovereignty in this locality.
Athboy town ensures accessibility and inclusivity for all citizens regardless of age, physical, cognitive, or sensory impairment.