Politicians, policy makers and public servants have never faced a situation like this. They immediately need policies that really work. Best practices can serve as an inspiration, a starting point and a proof of concept.
Free online state library
Access to digital library service is opened up online, to offer reading materials while closing the physical libraries.
Virtual town hall meetings
The Mayor of Oakland is holding virtual town hall meetings to answer questions and to inform residents about the Covid-19 situation.
Opening streets for pedestrians
Several streets in Vienna have been temporarily opened for pedestrians to make walking outside more compatible with physical distancing.
Interactive family platform run by family minister
The Italian Minister for Families runs an online platform for families to keep them informed on current situation and stay in contact with them.
A resource centre for public sector practitioners
The Ash Center at Harvard Kennedy School curates an online platform to provide resources for public sector practitioners.
Code word for domestic abuse
In France and Spain women can use code words to report domestic abuse at pharmacies.
#WirvsVirus – Hackathons develop solutions to manage the crisis
The biggest Hackathon ever helped to develop digital solutions for more than 800 challenges and thus tackle the secondary effects of Covid-19.
Website lists local support services
A website launched by the city administration of Rheinfelden gives its citizens an overview of local support services.
Free parking for hospital staff and care workers
A city council offers free parking for hospital staff and care workers.
A platform for businesses to collaborate against Covid-19
A platform connects businesses providing solutions for Covid-19 with those who need help.
Policy lessons from the crisis
The Bennett Institute for Public Policy brought together a diverse group of people to understand why we consistently don’t learn lessons from situations of crisis.
A government platform to inform about EdTech
As many EdTech projects are still unknown to teachers, parents and children, the Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry provides an overview of potential offers.