A programme attracts and keeps qualified teachers in rural Sweden through a transparent scheme that rewards teachers who decide to stay long term, and allows them to gain qualifications on the job.
Tag: remote areas
Academy of Culture
Coordinated pre-school activities compensate for a lack of kindergartens in a Commune of Poland with dispersed villages.
Lighthouse Project School Farm
A community in Baden-Württemberg province provides a small, family-run, all-day primary school with a farmyard, acquainting schoolchildren with traditional farming methods and farm animals.
Atlantic Economic Corridor
This initiative connects remote areas with different types of infrastructure, and is designed to promote investment, living, learning, and prosperity along the Atlantic coast region of Ireland.
Uist and Barra Public Bus Redesign Project – Outer Hebrides
Participatory procurement for local bus lines generates higher satisfaction rates and lower costs, leading to community councils reviewing timetables and contracts twice per year.
One-Day Labour Contracts
Working conditions are protected in Bulgaria by a recent law, guaranteeing farm labourers proper pay and insurance through short-term work contracts.
Free Public Transportation
A Municipality in Bulgaria offers free public transport by purchasing its own buses instead of hiring a company to provide the service.
Khair al-Koura – Local Sustainable Development
By forming partnerships between the private sector and the municipalities, job opportunities are created in Jordan for a region with a high influx of refugees.
Music School in the Country
A professionally organised music school in a rural community in Poland elevates the local culture and artistic interest.
Res Exposures Prepared by the Children of Sevlievo
School competitions are making up for the disadvantages of children in rural areas and upgrade the educational content in various subjects.
Crowdfund Angus
The local authority in a remote location backs a crowdfunding platform to appeal to faraway investors.
Building Trust and Social Inclusion with Digital Identities
A system developed in Switzerland creates trustworthy government communication channels and digital identities for citizens.
Waterford Greenway
A hiking trail built along a disused railway line from Waterford to Dungarvan encourages new tourism in Ireland.
Digital Villages
Rural communities connect online through a development project that supports local businesses.
Hospital of Cerdanya
A cross-border hospital on the Franco-Spanish border offers medical service in three languages for citizens of both countries.
Accessible Tourism for All
Tourists with disabilities can visit local sites of interest with the assistance of especially trained guides.
Athboy Walkability and Inclusive Town Developments
Athboy town ensures accessibility and inclusivity for all citizens regardless of age, physical, cognitive, or sensory impairment.
Moyross Training at The Bays
A trades-based training approach in a facility for young adults fills key-skill gaps in the local labour market.
From Shack to House
A housing project helps integrate marginalised Roma communities in a village, in a joint effort by families, the bank, and an NGO.
Gardens of Cracovians
Pockets of greenery transform forgotten patches of urban wasteland into community spaces for regeneration, social cohesion, nature, and culture.