As part of the energy transition towards fossil fuel free production, municipalities join up to create a local power supply company that allows the gradual move to generating and distributing renewable energy in the region.
Country: Germany
Facing Change with a Common Vision
The two cities foster cooperation in diverse dialogue formats with representatives from civil society, the Municipality, the private sector, and citizens, in order to overcome the economic changes affecting the region.
Essen Packt An! Collaboration Through Social Media
This project started when the citizens of Essen wanted to help each other after a severe storm in 2014, with the initiative becoming a firmly established organisation and an example of how to efficiently organise in the age of social media.
Schule im Aufbruch – School Gets Going
This initiative aims to enable and encourage students to be enthusiastic and creative by establishing a new learning culture, instead of fixating on fulfilling given curricula.
Mobile in the Valley
As a result of a survey among youth, a mobile application called TwoGo is created, enabling people to share rides in a rural area of Germany.
Cuckoo’s Nest
An apartment in a neighbourhood gets converted into a centre which serves the needs of many migratory residents, by offering educational help, care services, language courses, and various other services.
Talking to Each Other! Citizens’ Workshop
Workshops revitalise the political discourse, starting a direct conversation between citizens and government officials about visions for, and shortcomings within, the region.
Bonn Participates! – Bonn Macht Mit!
An online platform in Bonn encourages civic participation in a simple manner, on topics ranging from bike pathways, to problem reporting, to budget planning.
Integration Project Kistlerhofstraße
Integrative housing in Munich lets young refugees share a living space with local students, supported by social workers 24/7, with an in-house cafeteria that is open to the surrounding community.
The Mayor Delivered to Your House
This is the opportunity to invite the Mayor into your living room to discuss citizens’ feedback and to better understand the City’s policies.
Municipal Apprenticeship Initiative
This project organises apprenticeships for refugees, making up for the decline in local applicants.
An Electric Car for All Citizens
Climate-friendly mobility is instigated by a single electric car, purchased in a small locality for all residents to share.
Villages Compete for Climate Protection
Villages and private households compete to find the most effective energy-saving measures, and to reduce carbon emissions.
Calliope Mini
A digital wizard tool provides various opportunities for schoolchildren to do their own programming and explore the world of bits and bytes.
Marketplace for Good Business, Bocholt 2017
‘Speed dating’ for non-profits and companies paves pathways of mutual support, exploring opportunities for cooperation without using payments.
An online platform creates traceable supply chains from farmers, food crafters, and retail stores to restaurants.
City West: room for new city ideas
The citizens of Ludwigshafen re-imagine urban space and discuss their ideas about how to redevelop the location of a former highway.
Cooking and Chatting in Bielefeld
This initiative is about sharing a public meal as part of a quarterly event, where citizens and politicians come together to cook, eat, and discuss.
Care for Integration and Related Services
This project assists refugees in their integration into nursing and healthcare professions.
Digital Villages
Rural communities connect online through a development project that supports local businesses.