The Laboratory experiments with modern ideas of collaboration and finds fresh impulses for the Swiss political system, which is based on voluntary participation.
Search Category: Civic Engagement
Plus Belles Nos Vies
Citizens, collaborating on grassroots projects on a digital platform, strive to improve their community life.
Citizen Empowerment: problem solving in the community
A platform allows citizens to engage in a constructive dialogue with Tundzha Municipality and find agreements about regional projects.
Future of Citizenship: a local forum to promote an active society
A civil forum in the town of Dobrich mobilises the local society and professionals with a connection to the city, to create and develop beneficial projects.
Legislatory Laboratories
Monthly workshops enable citizens to voice complaints, democratically engage, and ask questions about action items taken in the National Assembly.
Building Trust and Social Inclusion with Digital Identities
A system developed in Switzerland creates trustworthy government communication channels and digital identities for citizens.
City West: room for new city ideas
The citizens of Ludwigshafen re-imagine urban space and discuss their ideas about how to redevelop the location of a former highway.
Good Food Strategy: towards a sustainable food system
A sustainable food system in the Brussels Capital Region encourages the growing of local foods and promotes the reduction of food waste by involving a variety of stakeholders.
European Solidarity Corps
This EU initiative allows young people to volunteer in different community service projects around Europe and supports them in the process.
Engagement for Glarus!
Am online platform encourages civic and political engagement of children and adolescents in the Canton, and recognises them as citizens.
Creative Ireland Programme
The creativity of Irish citizens is supported and promoted through a programme dedicated to its integration into public policy.
Fostering the City’s Common Goods
Young people apply to become active citizens and help support, maintain, and create their city’s heritage.
Kaunas Challenge
Young participants are invited to solve cultural challenges in their home city with the support of mentors and professionals.
Frome Community Fridge
One community fridge saves 90,000 food items per year from being wasted whilst providing a unique opportunity for social connections to form.
Cooperative Council Groningen
Neighbourhood ambassadors and randomly selected citizens work with politicians to build trust between people and politics, connecting participatory and representative sides of democracy.
This transparent platform enables effective public participation in local governance.
Frankfurt Democracy Convention 2019
Citizens are randomly selected to represent society and discuss relevant issues to reduce alienation from politics and increase active participation in local democracy.
Local Solutions to Global Challenges
A culture of responsibility around climate change is created in a small town through local, climate-friendly actions.
Reproductive Justice
An amendment to Irish law is designed to hold Irish hospitals accountable for maternal deaths.
Quality Services for the Residents of Guostagalis
A Services Centre provides social assistance for elderly and socially vulnerable people in a partnership between the community and the authorities.