Am online platform encourages civic and political engagement of children and adolescents in the Canton, and recognises them as citizens.

Am online platform encourages civic and political engagement of children and adolescents in the Canton, and recognises them as citizens.
The digital Open Commons Linz provides access to digital media for all, creating an inclusive and inspiring city environment.
Graz supports the professional development of the working population at risk of poverty, with grants for education and training.
Sugar Smart Bristol helps citizens become aware of their own sugar consumption, hidden sugars in foods, and how to make healthier choices.
Lithuanian professionals with internationally acquired experience help the Lithuanian Government adopt the best foreign practices.
Neighbourhood ambassadors and randomly selected citizens work with politicians to build trust between people and politics, connecting participatory and representative sides of democracy.
This transparent platform enables effective public participation in local governance.
Citizens are randomly selected to represent society and discuss relevant issues to reduce alienation from politics and increase active participation in local democracy.
The watchdog network increases the political engagement and knowledge of young people in Lithuania through debates and events.
A decentralised town hall allows citizens to conduct municipal affairs online or in any physical location within the municipality.
A transnational network of policy think tanks is set up with an open source digital platform.
The City of Leipzig reinvigorates and strengthens democratic values under the motto “You. Us. Leipzig”, and with the promotion of 28 projects.
A law is passed to divest public funds from companies who explore, extract, or process fossil fuels.
Participative democracy supports a shift towards intellectual autonomy, energy independence, and food sovereignty in this locality.
The project enables young people to understand their rights and grow within a democracy, by holding meetings in the Municipal House.
A network of German municipalities and civil society commits to recognising humanitarian crises and actively receiving refugees.
Monaghan County Council has developed an easy-to-read guide to the voting process, with a focus on the needs of disabled voters.
Emerging technologies from different innovative players are used to solve public sector challenges in Lithuania.
Innovation-friendly spaces are designed to test new digital technologies in real-life conditions, without risk to the public.
Technological innovations provide communication, environmental, and sustainable transport solutions which improve the quality of life for citizens.