A law protecting the hearing-impaired leads to a new system in place, granting equal access to public services and the availability of video sign-language interpreting.

A law protecting the hearing-impaired leads to a new system in place, granting equal access to public services and the availability of video sign-language interpreting.
A city policy in Gdańsk delivers equally accessible quality services for migrants, and offers a support network to help with integration.
A professionally organised music school in a rural community in Poland elevates the local culture and artistic interest.
A planned expressway gives a new boost to an economic activity zone in Poland, attracting new investors.
Joint efforts by the City, companies, and NGOs offer coordinated ecological education to bring measurable benefits for citizens, in terms of pollution and costs.
A citizen budget in Lublin is dedicated to the allocation of new green spaces throughout the city, developed and chosen by citizens.
A programme of scholarships, training, and competitions encourages students to come study in the the City of Łódź, Poland, and stay for a lifetime career.
A centre is designed for young people where they can organise their own timetable, share ideas and hobbies, and work on projects together.
A computer game is used in a playful way to teach computer programming to children.
Local volunteers in Wrocław help newcomers to learn Polish for free.
A coordinated network of local caregivers and service providers supports those most in need: the elderly, the disabled, the ill, and their families.
A free security wristband connects elderly and disabled residents with a 24-hour emergency response team.
Educational workshops prepare adults with intellectual disabilities for parenthood.
Well-trained senior citizens volunteer to provide newborn babies with critically needed physical closeness when the parents cannot be there – to reduce infant stress and keep newborns’ immune systems strong.
Community urban gardening brings residents closer to nature and strengthens social ties in a large city.
A municipal volunteering portal provides infrastructure and system solutions to increase volunteering among citizens and help institutions looking for volunteers reach members of civil society.
“Safe places” in several locations in the city provide on-site support for people experiencing discrimination and foster awareness-raising among the citizens of Gdansk.
A cross-sectoral, interdisciplinary programme helps a city achieve sustainability goals, thanks to activities ranging from small community projects to large participation innovations.
A complex system of financial, social, and cultural support services helps local residents in all social groups weather the “storm” of the coronavirus pandemic.
Area Hosts and Lighthouse Keepers guide residents through the complex renovation project of the historic city centre and provide tailored support to help with displacement.