A planned expressway gives a new boost to an economic activity zone in Poland, attracting new investors.

A planned expressway gives a new boost to an economic activity zone in Poland, attracting new investors.
This project organises apprenticeships for refugees, making up for the decline in local applicants.
This collaborative platform fosters efficient connections between employers and the young in Plymouth, delivering thousands of job opportunities at a low cost.
Structured training and the resulting employment opportunities methodically provide new perspectives to young ex-offenders.
School competitions are making up for the disadvantages of children in rural areas and upgrade the educational content in various subjects.
A collaboration of London boroughs beyond political boundaries establishes better, lower-cost special educational needs services.
This network is aiming to create a sustainable Paris with activities to reduce the ecological footprint, supported by a website and a physical meeting point.
Four-legged lawnmowers, called sheep, are keeping ski slopes in good shape over summer and prevent erosion, overgrowth, and avalanches.
Climate-friendly mobility is instigated by a single electric car, purchased in a small locality for all residents to share.
Joint efforts by the City, companies, and NGOs offer coordinated ecological education to bring measurable benefits for citizens, in terms of pollution and costs.
The urban Borough of Ealing sets up a comprehensive tree strategy, including free fruit for all residents from orchards, planted on public land.
Citizens, collaborating on grassroots projects on a digital platform, strive to improve their community life.
Villages and private households compete to find the most effective energy-saving measures, and to reduce carbon emissions.
A digital wizard tool provides various opportunities for schoolchildren to do their own programming and explore the world of bits and bytes.
The local authority in a remote location backs a crowdfunding platform to appeal to faraway investors.
‘Speed dating’ for non-profits and companies paves pathways of mutual support, exploring opportunities for cooperation without using payments.
A council-owned utility firm combats disproportionate energy pricing in the private sector with renewable sources at an affordable price.
Financial exclusion is countered by a supportive credit union in Salford, offering an alternative to banks and loan sharks.
A local and complementary currency keeps local money circulating in Bristol and the former County of Avon.
Tallinn adopts Newcastle’s best practice Skill Mill model, connecting unemployed youth with local stakeholders.