A skills-based labour market is developed by uniting various organisations in career programmes, to support the sustainable employability of lower- and medium-skilled workers.
Programme: The Innovation in Politics Awards
Karjeras – Lithuania’s First One-Stop Career Centre
A career centre offers guidance and individual consultations to local youth, provided by a team of specialists.
Moyross Training at The Bays
A trades-based training approach in a facility for young adults fills key-skill gaps in the local labour market.
Professional Knowledge and a Skills Base for Prisoners
Rehabilitation of prisoners is put into practice through the provision of professional and life-skills training that culminates in a certificate.
Quality Services for the Residents of Guostagalis
A Services Centre provides social assistance for elderly and socially vulnerable people in a partnership between the community and the authorities.
City of Omegna Masterplan
The City of Omegna is working holistically to improve the town for the community, entrepreneurs, and the public sector.
GovTech Lab
Emerging technologies from different innovative players are used to solve public sector challenges in Lithuania.
Regulatory Sandboxes
Innovation-friendly spaces are designed to test new digital technologies in real-life conditions, without risk to the public.
Sweden’s First Social Impact Bonds
Private investors in Sweden are working with a local municipality to improve the lives of foster children with a novel financing method.
Good Support – A System of Local Services
A coordinated network of local caregivers and service providers supports those most in need: the elderly, the disabled, the ill, and their families.
Healthy Eating in Nurseries
An orchard and greenhouse provides fresh, healthy, and environmentally friendly fruit and vegetables for children.
Library of Sports
Young people can borrow usually expensive outdoor sports equipment for up to two weeks at a time.
Malopolska Tele-Angel
A free security wristband connects elderly and disabled residents with a 24-hour emergency response team.
Modular Housing Sites for Homeless Families in Ealing
Modified shipping containers provide long-term and high-quality housing for homeless families.
Smart City Bad Hersfeld
Technological innovations provide communication, environmental, and sustainable transport solutions which improve the quality of life for citizens.
Summer City Camps in Vienna
Affordable summer childcare options are provided to all interested families in Vienna.
Taming Adulthood
Educational workshops prepare adults with intellectual disabilities for parenthood.
Community Mobilisation through Children
The initiative engages with rural communities by having schools be the central focus for encounters between adults, youth, and children.
Participatory Budget in Alytus: bringing more democracy and responsibility to the City’s residents
In Alytus, citizen involvement happens through a part of the budget being allocated according to citizens’ proposals and ideas.
Child-Friendly Shopkeepers
A network of solidarity, in the form of a network of friendly shopkeepers, allows children to be more autonomous, while bringing back social trust and strengthening community ties.