Modern educational methods are used to improve the digital and media literacy of young people in Bulgaria.

Modern educational methods are used to improve the digital and media literacy of young people in Bulgaria.
Young people apply to become active citizens and help support, maintain, and create their city’s heritage.
Innovative Schools are recognised for their inspiring work with a title, and encouraged to support other schools to follow in their footsteps.
A computer game is used in a playful way to teach computer programming to children.
A unique educational programme that is designed to encourage an entrepreneurial spirit in primary schools.
Students receive free accommodation for 30 hours per month of their time to support the care of elderly care home residents.
School buildings are used in the evenings and on weekends for the benefit of the wider community.
The watchdog network increases the political engagement and knowledge of young people in Lithuania through debates and events.
The project enables young people to understand their rights and grow within a democracy, by holding meetings in the Municipal House.
A high-quality education in LGBTQ-related issues helps the town become an inclusive community.
A local foundation provides people with intellectual disabilities with meaningful work at a flower garden.
A skills-based labour market is developed by uniting various organisations in career programmes, to support the sustainable employability of lower- and medium-skilled workers.
Rehabilitation of prisoners is put into practice through the provision of professional and life-skills training that culminates in a certificate.
Affordable summer childcare options are provided to all interested families in Vienna.
The initiative engages with rural communities by having schools be the central focus for encounters between adults, youth, and children.
A network of solidarity, in the form of a network of friendly shopkeepers, allows children to be more autonomous, while bringing back social trust and strengthening community ties.
A multi-faceted youth centre in Plovdiv fosters social inclusion and provides education and training for all.
This programme promotes linguistic diversity and minority languages in Europe through cultural support, policy making, and the creation of a European Language Diversity Centre.
Ground-breaking public-private partnership scheme supports local restaurants through the Corona crisis, while providing home-schooled pupils with alternative school canteen lunches.
A gamified approach closes the gap between a low-skilled labour force and the fast-growing technical sector, with the help of a skills passport and a tailored education programme for job seekers.