Best Practice in Politics
We curate exemplary political work that successfully tackles today’s most pressing issues. This platform is a hub of tried and tested best practices in politics.

#WirVsVirus Hackathon & Support Programme
A diverse pool of 28,000 participants came together to collectively “hack” digital challenges related to the Corona crisis resulting in a great variety of solutions, co-created by civil society and public authorities.

3D Printed Respirators
This Czech 3D printing innovation allows for the quick and efficient, international production of high quality reusable masks that can be stored for ten years.

A Pioneer City for Social and Ecological Innovation
The municipality of Grande Synthe took a holistic approach tackling unemployment, poverty and pollution by improving health and ecological conditions, as well as fostering social integration.

Age-Friendly Housing Technical Specialists in Irish Local Authorities
Age Friendly Housing Specialists advise local government on how to improve housing options for older residents.

Anti-Bullying App – “Bully Box“
“Bully Box” is an app which allows young people, parents, and teachers to safely and anonymously report acts of bullying in schools.

Antivirus Crowdhackathon
Creative and hacking minds meet remotely, interpret the changes caused by COVID-19, and convert the global crisis into an opportunity for progress.

Basic AI Education
Finland seeks to educate 1% of European citizens in the basics of Artificial Intelligence to bring to the EU an understanding and capability to match China and the USA in these applications.

Can Do Bristol – Give, Live, Love Bristol
Bristol’s unique “One City” governance structure allows the city to face the corona crisis with resilience, as volunteers, politicians, communities, and the public and private sector work together holistically.

Child-Friendly Shopkeepers
A network of solidarity, in the form of a network of friendly shopkeepers, allows children to be more autonomous, while bringing back social trust and strengthening community ties.

A well-equipped shelter with a multidisciplinary team not only offers refuge to women and children fleeing domestic violence, but also assists them in administrative and legal procedures, and offers further activities to help them regain their self-confidence.

Corruption Prevention through Civic Engagement
A platform connects people to crowdsource actionable data on corruption, offers training and educational activities, and helps find solutions and close legislative gaps.

Covid-19 Support for Gdynia’s Entrepreneurs
A city administration offers all businesses legal, marketing, and business-counselling support for free, to mitigate the effects of the COVID-19 lockdown.

Culture to the Courtyards
Kaunas brings culture to citizens throughout the pandemic thanks to decentralised artistic performances in backyards in the city.

Culture Token
Digital tokens use the carrot approach to reward environmentally-friendly behaviour with free access to arts and culture.

Deliberative Committees
A new permanent procedure engages randomly selected citizens in policy-making alongside parliamentarians, to democratise reforms and increase public support for decisions.

Digital Authorization for Society’s Services
Finland has become the first country in the world to allow people to electronically authorize another person to make important decisions for them online.

Digitalisation of Municipal Schools in Plovdiv
Cloud technologies make the digitalisation of every aspect of the education process possible, allowing students to learn online anywhere and at anytime, preparing students for a future digital world and improving the effectiveness and efficiency of the education process as a whole.

Energy Income
The project supports socially vulnerable citizens achieving energy independence, whilst creating a beneficial circle where non-consumed energy is used to finance new photovoltaic systems for further households.

Formigine 2020
A community of 34,000 people, including city authorities and residents, come together to help the municipality recover and develop – both during and in the aftermath of the coronavirus pandemic.

Free Public Transport in Luxembourg
Revolutionary yet simple – free public transport enhances the environmental sustainability, social welfare, and quality of life of the residents of this small country.

Free Telemedicine Initiative Against Coronavirus
Free teleconsultation services help keep citizens safe and informed through the coronavirus lockdown, thanks to a collaboration between medical staff, local government, and the startup-sector.

From Shack to House
A housing project helps integrate marginalised Roma communities in a village, in a joint effort by families, the bank, and an NGO.

Gardens of Cracovians
Pockets of greenery transform forgotten patches of urban wasteland into community spaces for regeneration, social cohesion, nature, and culture.

Gdańsk Centre for Equal Treatment
“Safe places” in several locations in the city provide on-site support for people experiencing discrimination and foster awareness-raising among the citizens of Gdansk.

Gdynia Storm Shelter
A complex system of financial, social, and cultural support services helps local residents in all social groups weather the “storm” of the coronavirus pandemic.

Granny Residence: Closing the Gap between Generations
Young people from the city stay with older people in rural areas, to create lasting connections between generations, preserve cultural heritage, and develop young people’s sense of belonging.

Haringey Together
Covid-19 brings people together in a London district experiencing deprivation, through phone volunteering, food parcel delivery, donations, Mutual Aid Groups, and more.

Hello, How Are You?
Volunteers “adopt a grandparent” to help senior citizens battle isolation loneliness, support them in daily tasks, and remind them to take their medicine during lock-down.

Helvetia Calls!
Helvetia, the female national personification of Switzerland, campaigns for women to enter politics, run for office, and improve democracy.

Home Quarantine Without A Home?
Bratislava sets up a fully-furnished quarantine town with medical and psychological care, for people without homes during lockdown.

A city’s innovative funding scheme helps low-income captive residents co-design the renovation of their substandard houses, become more empowered, and create a social network of homeowners.

Including People with Intellectual Disabilities
The government of the Province of Biscay makes special provisions to recruit civil servants from societal groups with intellectual disabilities.

Innovative School Wutöschingen
An evidence-based approach leads this school to stop using fixed classrooms and hours for its pupils while providing the latest technology and adapting to individual needs.

Katowice involves its citizens in the development of a green and safe city that has more trees, repairs defects immediately and offers well taken care of public spaces.

Training programmes in different locations in Europe and Africa empower disadvantaged groups through digital literacy, to overcome the digital divide and make earning an income locally possible.

Krakow Community Gardens
Community urban gardening brings residents closer to nature and strengthens social ties in a large city.

Laboratory of Architecture 60+ (LAB 60+)
An innovative integrated design project facilitates social cohesion and intergenerational residential communities, to prepare for an ageing society.

Leuven 2030
Leuven 2030 is a city-wide non-profit organisation that has created a comprehensive roadmap for a climate-neutral future which engages citizens in an innovative quadruple-helix model of cooperation.

Leuven Helps
Leuven launches a pioneering platform and call-centre for civil participation, to connect volunteers with citizens in need during and after the Corona-crisis, for meal delivery, language courses, and care tasks.

Lighthouse Keepers and Area Hosts
Area Hosts and Lighthouse Keepers guide residents through the complex renovation project of the historic city centre and provide tailored support to help with displacement.

Lithuanian Youth Voluntary Service
Encouraging and rewarding the voluntary services of young people through the implementation of an official programme with mentors.

Local De-Radicalisation Network
A local multi-agency group uses a systemic approach to investigate and counter radicalisation among vulnerable groups, to recognise diversity, promote inclusion, and encourage dialogue and participation.

Makeitmodena – Digital Gym
“Cyber-workouts” help children and adults gain digital literacy, realise digital projects, and spread open-source culture.

Map of Repairs
A digital tool monitors the funds allocated from the national budget for local repairs, across all of Ukraine.

#WirVsVirus Hackathon & Support Programme
A diverse pool of 28,000 participants came together to collectively “hack” digital challenges related to the Corona crisis resulting in a great variety of solutions, co-created by civil society and public authorities.

3D Printed Respirators
This Czech 3D printing innovation allows for the quick and efficient, international production of high quality reusable masks that can be stored for ten years.

A Pioneer City for Social and Ecological Innovation
The municipality of Grande Synthe took a holistic approach tackling unemployment, poverty and pollution by improving health and ecological conditions, as well as fostering social integration.

Age-Friendly Housing Technical Specialists in Irish Local Authorities
Age Friendly Housing Specialists advise local government on how to improve housing options for older residents.

Anti-Bullying App – “Bully Box“
“Bully Box” is an app which allows young people, parents, and teachers to safely and anonymously report acts of bullying in schools.

Antivirus Crowdhackathon
Creative and hacking minds meet remotely, interpret the changes caused by COVID-19, and convert the global crisis into an opportunity for progress.

Basic AI Education
Finland seeks to educate 1% of European citizens in the basics of Artificial Intelligence to bring to the EU an understanding and capability to match China and the USA in these applications.

Can Do Bristol – Give, Live, Love Bristol
Bristol’s unique “One City” governance structure allows the city to face the corona crisis with resilience, as volunteers, politicians, communities, and the public and private sector work together holistically.

Child-Friendly Shopkeepers
A network of solidarity, in the form of a network of friendly shopkeepers, allows children to be more autonomous, while bringing back social trust and strengthening community ties.

A well-equipped shelter with a multidisciplinary team not only offers refuge to women and children fleeing domestic violence, but also assists them in administrative and legal procedures, and offers further activities to help them regain their self-confidence.

Corruption Prevention through Civic Engagement
A platform connects people to crowdsource actionable data on corruption, offers training and educational activities, and helps find solutions and close legislative gaps.

Covid-19 Support for Gdynia’s Entrepreneurs
A city administration offers all businesses legal, marketing, and business-counselling support for free, to mitigate the effects of the COVID-19 lockdown.
The Winners
of the Innovation in Politics Awards 2024

Foodcard: dignified state food aid for people in need
The Foodcard is an innovative solution which gives people the freedom and dignity to choose what food and necessities to buy, and from where.

Condominium E-Voting – Successful E-Democracy
Condominium E-Voting allows residents to communicate their housing issues in a quick, easy, and safe manner, enhancing their engagement in the decision-making process and improving the efficiency of services.

B-MINCOME: guaranteed minimum income & active social policies in deprived urban areas
B-MINCOME effectively improves the well-being of families in socially excluded and deprived areas by combining minimum income guarantees with inclusion policies.